Chapter 16

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Chapter 16 My Uncle is a Villain [Sixteen]

Lu Zifeng's obviously perfunctory words made Li Fuhuan at the side couldn't help but raise his head, looking over with a half-smile.

"Zifeng, long time no see." Qiao said. The corners of the lips were raised, showing a little deep meaning.

"Xiao Huan?" Lu Zifeng didn't expect Li Fuhuan to be there.

He looked at Li Fuhuan in a daze, and then at Li Yanli.

Now that there is a crack in the ground, Lu Zifeng will definitely get in without hesitation at this time, it's too embarrassing.

Ever since he met Li Jinnian for the first time, he had long forgotten about his childhood friends and friends for many years, and he focused on focusing on Li Jinnian.

"Why didn't you tell me when you returned to China?"

Li Fuhuan cast a meaningful glance at Li Jinnian, whose back was facing the three of them, he was really calm.

"That, that..."

"Xiao Huan."

Seeing that Lu Zifeng was in trouble, Li Jinnian finally spoke.

"Xiao Huan, Dad said you're going to study abroad. I'm still thinking about when we brothers will meet and have a meal." Li Jinnian smiled faintly. Appears unusually immature. tender.

The moment Li Yanli saw Li Jinnian's face, the smile on his face froze for a moment, and then looked at him thoughtfully. Frowning, he asked, "Did I meet you somewhere?" During the years when Li Yanli went abroad to heal his legs, he devoted all his attention to his own legs and Li Fuhuan's body. He had heard about Li Yanchen's recognition of an illegitimate child, but he didn't know. I haven't paid attention to it. Just now Lu Zifeng said that Li Yanchen's son is definitely not Xiao Huan, think about the brother Li Jinnian mentioned just now, what else is unclear? It turned out that he was the illegitimate son of Li Yanchen's treasure these few years! "Brother?" Li Fuhuan didn't wait for Li Jinnian to speak, and sneered. Although he and Li Jinnian seemed to be in harmony with each other in the past few years, Li Jinnian had a lot of little tricks in private.

"I don't dare to be that. Also, can you call Xiao Huan? Don't think that your surname is Li and you really take yourself seriously." Li Fuhuan actually hates people like Li Jinnian. He is a typical duplicitous man. On the surface, she played the role of brother and friend with him, but secretly slandered and plotted against him without a bottom line.

Not to mention anything else, let's just say that when he was admitted to S University, Li Jinnian didn't believe that a dude who only knew how to eat, drink and have fun could still be admitted to the highest school in S City. In the school forum, his past was cleaned up. Even the previous report card of the original owner was found out by him and posted on the Internet.

He almost didn't directly say that Li Fuhuan got such a good grade in the exam because of cheating.

This matter is neither big nor small.

For the Li family behind Li Fuhuan, even if he has no grades, he can still get into S University with money.

But he has this strength, why spend money to buy it?

At least at the beginning when he found out that he was admitted to S University, Li Yanchen was quite happy, and even invited many people to hold a banquet for him, and everyone said that his son was finally promising.

But when Li Jinnian posted those things on the Internet, everyone in the circle knew about it. Others laughed at Li Yanchen for showing off his fake grades, but Li Yanchen was angry at Li Fuhuan for embarrassing him, so he locked Li Fuhuan on the spot At home, he confiscated his car keys and stopped his credit card.

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