Chapter 64

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Chapter 64 I am the villain's benefactor (3)

    In a dimly lit room, a thin young man was tied to the four posts of the bed, his whole body seemed to be washed with water, and his body was covered with slime. Greasy sweat stains, wet. Get up. Under the bed sheet, the eye sockets are deeply sunken, and the skin is unhealthy pale, but the thin cheeks with only the cheekbones are full of joy, especially the pair of eyeballs that are particularly protruding due to excessive weight loss, It was full of unspeakable excitement.


    Xu Fuhuan walked to the bed and took the towel from his mouth.

    Fu Xici crossed his eyeballs and fixed his eyes on the visitor. The visitor's short hair reached his ears, and the broken hair in front of his forehead hit his left eye, revealing a deep and extremely handsome face with narrow and long eyes. His eyes were not as cold and dangerous as usual, but instead had a warm smile.

    "Thank you."

    Fu Xi resigned. He licked his dry and peeling lips, and said seriously in a hoarse voice.

    If it weren't for this man, he would still be floating in that clubhouse right now, and for revenge, he would turn himself into the most disgusting and disgusting prisoner he ever hated. Si, serving those men who make him sick every day, letting those men rise and fall on his body.

    [Ding——Target blackening value: -10.]

    Xu Fuhuan nodded vaguely, and her sharp eyes wandered around him. "I'm going to ask someone to take a bath for you. You should have a good rest first. If you have anything to do, we'll talk about it after you've rested     .


The time is getting longer and longer, and his body is also full of strength, how can this make him unhappy? !

    And all of this is because of the help of this man named Xu Fuhuan.

    Xu Fuhuan walked to the living room, and Assistant Xu just walked in from the outside with a briefcase.

    Seeing him, Xu Fuhuan stopped walking towards the living room, changed direction, and walked directly to the study on the second floor, followed by Assistant Xu.

    The two talked about some business matters. Before leaving, Assistant Xu took out an invitation card from his briefcase, "This is a charity party held by ES Company."

    Xu Fuhuan put down the pen in his hand and raised his eyebrows, "This kind of trivial matter Do you still need to ask yourself?"

    Assistant Xu pursed his lips, "Mr. Fu's silence time is almost here, and this charity party held by es company is an opportunity."

    es company is one of the top magazine companies in China, and their company invited In addition to the big names in the entertainment industry, there are also elites and bigwigs from all walks of life.

    In the past, the original owner designated that he didn't like it, but now he wants to praise Fu Xici with all his strength. where?

    Since he wanted to praise him, it was necessary for him to attend such a party.


    "8:30 tomorrow night."


    Fu Xici was dragged out of bed early in the morning, and because of his emotional excitement last night, he was in bed all night I didn't sleep, and I only squinted for a while at dawn, and I always felt that I was woken up just as soon as I fell asleep.

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