Chapter 147

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Chapter 147 The Falling Flower Season Meets You Again (10)

the next day.

When Hua Shijun woke up, he subconsciously touched Xu Fuhuan next to him, but it was empty without thinking.

Xu Fuhuan had already gone to court, touching the already cold blanket, Hua Shijun lay on his back on the dragon bed and touched his chin, a pair of dark eyeballs rolled around, as if he was thinking about something.

At this end of the court, Xu Fuhuan was sitting in a high position, while the courtiers below were arguing endlessly over the continuous torrential rain in the coastal area, which caused severe floods.

The torrential rain fell for nearly half a month, flooding several large and small cities, causing the people to be displaced and precarious. However, the people below kept the news tightly until they found that they couldn't cover it, so they went to Shuzuo Report this matter.

Xu Fuhuan laughed angrily at these bastards.

For these officials, there are errands that are beneficial and beneficial, and they are vying for each other. Once such thankless things are involved, they each shirk their responsibilities and shirk each other's responsibilities.

Xu Fuhuan watched these ministers blushing in arguing with cold eyes, snorted coldly, and directly appointed the right prime minister who had never dealt with him and the regent to go to the coast to deal with the matter.

Of these two old foxes, one is staring at his harem, the other is coveting the throne below his ass, especially the right minister, and their ideas are all on Ah Qing. Moreover, both of these two are fat and oily, so it is very suitable for them to go to the coast. In fact, this errand does not require these two high-ranking people to go, but Xu Fuhuan said, in order to let the people feel that the emperor attaches great importance to this disaster, so let the regent go instead of him to comfort. affected people. An errand is a good errand, if you do it well, you can win the hearts of the people, but it is also extremely easy to offend people. What do you lack the most? Silver? Where does the silver come from? Of course it is from the treasury, but the treasury is empty, so the two adults need to figure out a way by themselves. There are also those unscrupulous corrupt officials who hope to get a windfall from the money allocated by the court. Now that two adults have been appointed by His Majesty to visit the disaster area in person, they will naturally block the way for some officials to make a fortune. By then... Thinking of this, maybe Fu Huan retreated directly.

Xu Fuhuan is not worried that this matter will not be handled well. He appointed the right minister purely to let him suffer a little bit, but the regent has real skills. There are much more followers under the sect than Xu Fuhuan, the emperor.

If Xu Fuhuan really wanted to be the regent, he appointed him to be able to pull carrots and bring out mud, and pull out a bunch of henchmen.

But the regent has his own measure, he loves this country even more than Xu Fuhuan, after all, this country will belong to his son from now on, how dare he not be careful?

So in the end who suffers and who benefits, it is the benevolent see the benevolent and the wise see the wisdom.

Back in the Xuanzheng Hall, Xu Fuhuan didn't even have time to change into the dragon robe, when he saw Hua Shijun sitting on the soft bed in front of the dragon table, holding a book of stories in his hand and reading happily.

Hearing the sound of footsteps, Hua Shijun put down the script and ran directly to Xu Fuhuan's arms. His furry head took a deep breath of the familiar smell on Xu Fuhuan's neck, and then complained: "You're the only one who wants to eat today!" Why is it so late?"

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