Chapter 81

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Chapter 81 Juggernaut, Your Creation Is Collapsed (11)

The car fell very fast.

Looking through the narrow car window, I can clearly see the bottomless abyss, like the mouth of a giant beast, quietly waiting for the food to fall.

The torrential rain hit the carriage, and the gust of wind whizzed by my ears.

No matter how calm a person is, when facing life and death, it is impossible for him to remain calm.

Xu Fuhuan's face was pale, one of the other two people in the car was seriously injured, the other had a soft tendon and couldn't move.

Really God is going to kill him.

[Xiao Er, do you have any props to recommend? 】

Xiaoer searched the bottom of the cliff with energy, 【Huanhuan, don't worry, there is a big pool below, you won't die. 】

With Xiao Er's words as comfort, Xu Fuhuan was able to relax a bit.

But the other two didn't know, Xu Da gathered the internal force in his body and pulled it from his waist. Pull out a long whip, and roll it towards the vines on the cliff without delay.

"My lord, don't worry, this subordinate won't let you get into trouble."

With the big whip as a buffer, the falling speed of the carriage slowed down a bit in an instant.

Xu Fuhuan was tightly protected by Xu Da, and he couldn't see his expression clearly, but his sharp nose could still smell the strong smell of blood on his body. "Let go, we won't die, there is a pool of water below."

Xu Da was stunned, the vines wrapped by the long whip couldn't bear the strength of the three of them, they tore and pulled from the tide. The wet cliff body broke open.

With this sudden fall, the falling speed of the carriage accelerated a bit.

Not waiting for Xu Da to make another move.


There was a loud noise, and Lao Gao's water splashed on the surface of the water.

The three of them were shot into the water just like that, falling from such a high cliff, even with the carriage as a buffer, the violent momentum made them plunge into the bottom of the water more than ten meters deep, and directly hit the reef at the bottom of the river superior.

The three of them hadn't recovered from their surprise when they were knocked out of their wits by the force of the collision.

The biting cold water and the huge impact made Xu Fuhuan dizzy.

There was a buzzing in my head, like a thousand bees arguing.

The cold lake water poured into his mouth and nose, choking him so much that he could hardly breathe.

Xu Fuhuan can't swim, so Xu Da relied on his instinct to drag Xu Fuhuan's collar and swim upstream quickly.

With a sound of 'crash', the two finally got out of the water and stayed alone. Hua Shijun, unable to move his body, sank to the bottom of the lake.

Fu Huan...

Hua Shijun stared helplessly at the figure that was getting further and further away from him.

Despair reached the bottom of my heart.

Xu Fuhuan took a big gulp of fresh air, a large amount of air poured into his lungs, which instantly cleared his drowsy head a lot.

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