Chapter 5

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Chapter 5 My uncle is the villain (5)

However, he searched through the memory of the original owner, but couldn't find any information about this person.

Li Fuhuan frowned, and read the original owner's memory from the beginning again, and there was indeed no information about this person in the memory.

How is this going?

Judging by the young man's familiar attitude towards the original owner, it doesn't look like he doesn't know him!

Could it be that the original owner had lost his memory?

The original owner's amnesia was not written in the plot either! Moreover, the original owner had never experienced the so-called kidnapping by a wealthy family.

Li Fuhuan couldn't understand it.

"What are you thinking about?" The young man waved his fingers in front of Li Fuhuan's ecstatic eyes.

Li Fuhuan withdrew his thoughts, and what caught his eyes was the boy's white pair. Li Fuhuan was surprised by Xi's slender fingers, he never thought that this boy who was dressed in middle school and had a bad voice would have such beautiful hands.

Involuntarily, Li Fuhuan set his eyes on the young man's face. At this moment, the boy lowered his head and leaned his body, the bangs covering his eyebrows were naturally suspended in the air, revealing his entire face.

Looking at it so carefully, the young man is actually not bad looking, his handsome eyebrows and eyes are unexpectedly clear, but the makeup on his face makes it impossible to see his complexion, but that good-looking face makes him look very handsome , especially those slender red phoenix eyes, inexplicably made Li Fuhuan feel a little familiar.

"You..." Suddenly, something flashed in Li Fuhuan's mind, "What's your name?"

"Ah?" The boy opened his mouth exaggeratedly, "You forgot me again?" Seemingly a little angry, she pointed at Li Fuhuan with her slender index finger, wanting to say something.

But before he could speak, there was a knock on the door.

Li Fuhuan glanced at the young man, "Thank you for coming to see me, you go back first."

After speaking, he lifted the quilt, walked to the door of the room, and opened the door.

It was Li Yanli who knocked on the door.

"Xiao Huan, are you feeling better?"

Li Yanli seemed to be in a good mood, as if he was bathed in the spring breeze, and people could see the affection in his eyebrows at a glance.


Li Fu looked at the visitor with a happy smile, ignoring the spring in his eyes. She threw herself directly into his arms.

But before he could move, the boy whose name he didn't know suddenly appeared behind him and grabbed his collar.

He said with a smile: "Li Fuhuan, is this the uncle you said was good to you?"

Li Fuhuan frowned instinctively when that ugly male duck voice opened his mouth.

Li Yanli's gentle eyes flashed a gloomy, extremely fast, if it wasn't because Li Fuhuan was looking at Li Yanli right now, maybe he wouldn't have noticed the displeasure and gloom in Li Yanli's eyes.

Li Yanli's gentle eyes fell on the young man behind Li Fuhuan.

"Xiao Huan, who is this?" The gentle and polite voice was unprecedentedly peaceful.

However, Li Fuhuan, who understands the plot, knows that the more harmless Li Yanli's smile, the more twisted his heart will be.

Li Fuhuan is sure that Li Yanli, a small-hearted man, is definitely thinking about this young man who is dressed in a non-mainstream way.

"Oh, my name is Xu Yihan, uncle, you can call me Han Han." Xu Yihan's strength was so great that Li Fuhuan struggled several times but was unable to break free from his grasp.

"Let go of me." Li Fuhuan whispered to Xu Yihan.

Xu Yihan let go of his hand with regret, took a step back consciously, and then stood beside Li Fuhuan, raised his long arms, hugged Li Fuhuan's neck intimately and said: "I and Li Fuhuan Classmate Fuhuan is a good friend, he didn't go to school today, so I came to see him, presumably, uncle, you don't mind if I disturb classmate Li Fuhuan's rest?" The

original owner often doesn't go to school, if the original owner suddenly It's a miracle to go to class and leave class at the same time.

Li Yanli didn't know what he thought of, bent his lips, and said with a gentle smile: "So it's Xiaohuan's classmate Xu, thank you for coming to visit our Xiaohuan."

Xu Yihan greeted him not to be outdone Li Yanli's gaze, the eyes that should have been clear, were as dark as an abyss, and the bottom could not be seen at a glance, which made Li Yanli startled.

Li Fuhuan is not stupid. My son, how could he not notice that something was wrong between these two people.

But the original owner was born with a big nerve, so he definitely couldn't see it.

"Uncle, has the make-up teacher you found for me arrived yet?"

Li Fuhuan interrupted the silent gunpowder between the two of them pretending not to know anything.

Li Yanli slowly raised the corners of his lips, and looked up and down at Xu Yihan with interest. After seeing Xu Yihan clearly up and down, he withdrew the sharpness in his eyes, and turned to look at Li Fuhuan gently. "Here we are. The make-up teacher is downstairs. Change your clothes and come down to meet him."

Li Fuhuan pushed Xu Yihan's hand away, nodded at Li Yanli, and then ran to the closet in the room.

Before Li Yanli left, he gave Xu Yihan a provocative look.

Xu Yihan stood at the door and looked at Li Yanli's back, his slender eyes carried a smile that was not a smile.

After a while, he said to Li Fuhuan: "Li Fuhuan, your uncle is not simple."

When Xu Yihan spoke, Li Fuhuan just found the school uniform that the original owner had never worn from the bottom of the closet .

As the eldest brother of No. 1 Middle School, the original owner's clothes are definitely not serious clothes. Although his eyesight is not so bad compared to Xu Yihan's eye-catching clothes, it is not much different from him.

Letting him play a rebellious teenager in the second grade is already his biggest bottom line, but asking him to wear those tattered clothes, he can't pass the test in his heart.

"Then what about you? Who are you? I never remember one of my classmates named Xu Yihan." Li Fuhuan said meaningfully.

His voice was very calm, a little too calm.

Xu Yihan was taken aback for a moment, and then chuckled softly, "It seems that I'm overthinking."

"You haven't told me who you are yet." Li Fuhuan was so irritable that he thought he had accepted the plot. , then everything should be under his control, but this person who has never appeared in the plot disrupted his plan.

It's just a person outside the plot, which makes him mess up.

It really shouldn't be!

After all, he is still too weak.

Xu Yihan turned around, looked at Li Fuhuan's somewhat thin back, a flash of distress flashed in his eyes, and finally sighed: "You will know sooner or later."

Li Fuhuan was not satisfied with this answer, he turned angrily Turning around, I wanted to continue asking, but found that the boy who was standing at the door just now had disappeared.

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