Chapter 118

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Chapter 118 The Trash Picking Villain (13)

Qi Jin's expression was full of urgency and worry.

The corner of Xu Fuhuan's mouth curled into a gentle smile. The relationship between him and Qi Jin was not that good. From the memory of the original owner, except for a few disputes over food, the two of them didn't have much in-depth communication.

But it was because he accidentally saved him twice, and the only two times, Qi Jin took it to his heart, which shows that Qi Jin's heart is not as bad as he imagined.

Qi Jin didn't know that he was hiding in Xu Fuhuan's enchantment, but cautiously avoided the crowd, came to the exit of the banquet, silently watched the extra troops at the hotel entrance, turned around without saying a word and took Xu Fuhuan came to the stairs of the hotel.

The wet and hot palm tightly held Xu Fuhuan's palm.

Qi Jin looked around for a while, making sure there was no one here, and then asked in a low voice, "How did you get in?"

Xu Fuhuan smiled indifferently, and said, "I followed you in."

This is the truth, he He came in with Qi Jin.

However, Qi Jin didn't believe it, he frowned, and said with a serious face: "Don't mess around, I'm telling you serious."

Qi Jin is playing a mature and elegant middle-aged man at this moment, with a cold face The contours have undergone magical makeup to soften some of the lines. If you don't speak, you look like a benevolent elder, but this abrupt face is like a disobedient elder scolding the younger generation, full of majesty.

When Qi Jin was a cripple in Zhu Xingxing, the slovenly description had been deeply rooted in his mind, and now he suddenly saw his intimidating appearance, which was extraordinarily awkward.

Xu Fuhuan couldn't bear to look directly at her and turned her head. "I didn't lie to you."

"You're messing around, here..." Xu Shi realized that he had lost his composure, Qi Jin stopped the topic immediately, and sighed secretly, except for Green, the enemy, only the dumb can provoke The fluctuation in his heart made him lose his composure again and again.

He slowed down his tone, looked at Xu Fuhuan softly in his eyes, and said earnestly: "It's very unsafe here, as you saw just now, there is a team of people at the hotel entrance, those people are the Great Elders, and the people who turn around You don't understand the corner, but as long as you know, there will definitely be a fight here, and since the situation is still unclear, how did you slip in, you slip out, be obedient, okay?" In Qi Jin's heart , The mute is a native planet chasing person. It is his luck that he can come to the blue planet, but he does not believe that the mute can get the invitation letter and come to the hotel in a fair manner. Therefore, there is only one possibility, that is, the mute can use It's not some aboveboard means to come in. Xu Fuhuan did not use any aboveboard means. It's just--what's the matter with Qi Jin's coaxing tone? Xu Fuhuan twitched the corners of his mouth, and wanted to drag Qi Jin around in front of everyone to show that he was not lying, but at this moment the atmosphere in the hall was tense, and the army brought by Clive had already surrounded the guests They were surrounded, leaving Bossy and Green standing alone on the high platform. This scene, no matter how you look at it, looks like the scene of the courtiers forcing the palace in ancient times. Xu Fuhuan was thoughtful, it seemed that there would definitely be a fight here, no wonder Qi Jin was so nervous. At this moment, Xu Fuhuan noticed a vague gaze fixed on him behind him. Xu Fuhuan turned his head to meet that line of sight, and saw Dr. Hitt was taken aback for a moment, then showed his big white teeth and smiled at him slightly. This is... Is this really seeing him? Xu Fuhuan's pupils shrank, the expression on his face froze, and a bad premonition surged in his heart. Sure enough-- Dr. Hitt opened his mouth to Xu Fuhuan in a low voice when he saw that Xu Fuhuan had already seen him. "Little cutie, we meet again."

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