Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

As an adult, who has lived for many years inside, rashly attacking a child is suspected of bullying the small.

However, Xu Fuhuan was bad, he didn't plan to do it himself, since Ning Qian felt that his life was too leisurely and comfortable, then he would cause some trouble for him, he swore that he would never touch a hair of Ning Qian, but he didn't The rules say he can't find someone to clean him up for him.

His son was about the same age as Ning Qian, and he suffered from Ning Qian's loss a few days ago, so it happened to let his son vent his anger.

Therefore, he knocked Ning Qian unconscious, covered her tightly, and secretly brought her into his small courtyard.

As soon as he walked to the gate of the courtyard, he met He Jun who came back from the other end.

The train was late today, and He Jun came back a little late. This month, all he thought about was his neighbors, and even had some shameful dreams while he was resting...Suddenly seeing the protagonist in the dream, He Jun

suddenly Feeling guilty, he hurried home with his luggage without even saying hello.

This was Xu Fuhuan's first time doing something bad, and he was still a child, so he couldn't help but feel a little guilty when he saw acquaintances. Before he could think of an excuse, He Jun ran away.

Xu Fuhuan: "..."

What's wrong?

Forget it, since he didn't find out, he didn't have to find any excuses.

Xu Fuhuan put Ning Qian in the yard, and then called Sheng Nian out.

Taking advantage of the cover of night, one big and one small sneaked into the wasteland outside.

"Okay, let's just stay here."

Xu Fuhuan put Ning Qian in the muddy wilderness, and then planned to avoid suspicion, after all, it was wrong to encourage his own son to beat someone, and it is better to keep out of sight. Xu Fuhuan thought to deceive himself.

When I walked to the intersection, I gave Sheng Nian a warning. When I turned around, I still didn't forget to say: "Honey, you can bully me back just as he ordered people to bully you back then." 002: [...


His family's Huanhuan became more and more immoral, and even the children were not spared.

It's really embarrassing.

The night was as cool as water.

A gust of cool wind blew by, and the cold prime year shivered, but the excitement in his heart could not be erased no matter what.


Little bastard, it finally fell into my hands.

I really thought I was too young to be bullied!

Don't even look at who my dad is.

Sheng Nian murmured to the unconscious Ning Qian, especially when he saw Ning Qian appearing at his school gate last time, he gritted his teeth with hatred.

He clenched his fists tightly, a treacherous smile appeared on his well-behaved and sensible face, and his small fists mercilessly landed on Ning Qian's face, body, stomach, especially that face.

Ning Qian's life back at Ning's house is really good, plus he is a child, as long as he is well nourished, his small body will grow up, and he hasn't seen him for a month, so small. The face was raised to be rosy, round and round, which was just convenient for Shengnian's black hands.

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