Chapter 108

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Chapter 108 The Trash Picking Villain (3)

Xu Fuhuan woke up from hunger early in the morning.

The area occupied by the original owner hadn't received new garbage for several months before he came, which is why when he came to this world last night, the original owner was planning to use the muddy water to satisfy his hunger.

The tomato in the hands of the cripple was presumably stolen from another area.

Xu Fuhuan got up and washed herself, and planned to go out for a stroll, and take a look at what kind of world this is.

Opening the door, there was a whole tomato in the doorway. A few drops of water remained on the bright red tomatoes.

Xu Fuhuan was slightly surprised, who gave this?

Could it be a cripple?

Xu Fuhuan shook his head and smiled, he indirectly saved the cripple last night, otherwise, according to Xiao Curly's character, he would not let him go easily.

So, this is the cripple's thank you gift?

Xu Fuhuan opened his consciousness, and sure enough, across a garbage dump, a hunched figure in tattered clothes was leaving the place with slow steps.

Xu Shi noticed something, he suddenly stopped, turned around and turned his head, revealing a dirty face, his thoughtful gaze seemed to be looking towards Xu Fuhuan through a mountain made of rubbish, as if Thinking of something, he raised the corners of his dry lips and moved his lips.

Xu Fuhuan withdrew his consciousness and smiled.

What the cripple said was, 'He's supposed to be up by now? I don't know if you saw the tomatoes I put at the door? '

As a cripple who often looks for food here, of course he knows that Xu Fuhuan hasn't brought new garbage here for a long time.

The original owner is different from the lame man. The original owner occupies one side and regards this place as his own. As long as others don't want his things, he will not grab other people's things.

In other words, if no one transports new 'food' from here in the future, the original owner would rather starve to death than cross his bottom line.

Really a stubborn and stubborn person.

Xu Fuhuan picked up the tomatoes and carried the bucket to carry a bucket of water back.

The cloudy water is undrinkable, he plans to filter the water and boil it for drinking.

However, as soon as he reached the river, Xu Fuhuan encountered the crippled man who was beaten by others again.

The cripple was surrounded by people, tightly protecting something in his arms, while several young people punched and kicked him mercilessly.

This group of people is different from the little curly hair, the little curly hair is at most a small fight, humiliating and humiliating the lame, and will not really kill the lame, but these people beat the lame to death, and the lame can be regarded as stubborn Xu Fuhuan felt pain when he heard the sound, but the cripple didn't even blink his eyes.

Xu Fuhuan thought of the tomatoes that the cripple gave him, picked up the iron bucket in his hand, and threw it directly at the most ruthless Huangmao.

"Md, which son of a bitch dares to hit you, sir?"

Huang Mao, who was thrown by Xu Fuhuan with an iron bucket, spit on the lame man first, then covered his head, and glared fiercely at Xu Fuhuan come over.

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