Chapter 8

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Chapter 8 My Uncle is a Villain [8]

It is false to say that he is worried about Li Yanli. The main reason is that Li Yanli is mentally ill. He is afraid that Li Yanli will do something out of his control in the end.

Because of his intervention, the plot has changed beyond recognition, and it is developing in a direction he doesn't know.

Originally, this woman was not included in the plot given to him by Xiaoer, but now because of his intervention, some people outside the plot appeared. Li Fuhuan was very worried that the plot would eventually develop out of control.

Since the plot is messed up, instead of staying out of it, it's better to participate in it yourself.

"I said thank you for today's matter. I will definitely not accept it. After my work here is over, I will treat you to dinner."

Li Fuhuan patted Gao An's shoulder and said in a good buddy tone.

Gao An curled his lips and muttered in a low voice: "Last time you said you would invite me to the drunk building." The

voice was too low, Li Fuhuan couldn't hear it clearly, so he couldn't help but ahed, and asked: "What are you talking about?

" Nothing, I'll go back first, call me with something. "


According to Li Fuhuan's thoughts, he planned to observe the situation opposite for a few days, and to find out the law of Li Yanli out of the house. , It's just that sometimes, people's calculations are not as good as the sky's calculations, and accidents will always happen. Just like now.

At this time, Li Fuhuan was like a child caught by his parents doing bad things, ready to accept Li Yanli's lesson with an uneasy expression.

"Have you figured out how to answer?" Li Yanli sat on the sofa with a half-smile, with his hands comfortably spread out on both sides, and a pair of clear eyes gleamed with a cold light.

"I, I..." Li Fuhuan lowered his head, but he didn't see the frost and hostility in Li Yanli's eyes.

He received a call from Gao An early this morning, saying that the house was settled. He was anxious to see the situation, so he didn't even have time to eat breakfast. After seeing the house, he called someone to clean up the room. After finishing his work, he was hungry. He thought it would be early and Li Yanli would not come back, so he called and ordered a meal. Who knew it was such a coincidence that when he was paying, Li Yanli just walked in from the elevator.

"Can't answer?" Li Yanli asked in a low voice.

Speaking of which, his nephew seems to have changed a bit recently! I feel a little disobedient! How should a disobedient child be punished? Li Yanli thought dispensable.

"Uncle..." Li Fuhuan raised his head, eyes twinkling guiltily, "I, I just don't want to live at home, you know, my mom and dad always quarrel..."

"So, you just Moved across from me?" Li Yanli casually interrupted Li Fuhuan and asked.

Li Fuhuan nodded fiercely, and responded with a few words of yes from time to time.

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Li Yanli showed disbelief on his seemingly gentle face.

Hearing his words, Li Fuhuan felt a sense of grievance in his heart. His obsidian-like eyes met Li Yanli's, and he complained, "What should I tell you? Last time you murdered me for an outsider, you won't do it again after that." Go and see me."

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