Chapter 124

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Chapter 124 The Trash Picking Villain (19)

    What the man said was full of sadness.

    Every day, countless compatriots die at the mouth of the Zerg, while the top management of the empire is still fighting for their petty profits. Come to think of it, it's really disappointing.

    Xu Fuhuan lived here.

    The man, that is, Robin, is the highest commander in this area. Although Xu Fuhuan singled out the Zerg with his bare fists, he scoffed at Xu Fuhuan's behavior, but Xu Fuhuan's assistance made him Very nice.

    Accidentally discovered that Xu Fuhuan was very interested in his mecha, so he gave Xu Fuhuan one, and when he was free, he would teach Xu Fuhuan how to operate it.

    Ever since the spirit became stronger, Xu Fuhuan's memory, learning and comprehension ability has been much faster than before. Simple things can be memorized in just one pass, while complex things can be understood after repeated practice several times.

    The reason why he knows how to fly a spaceship was also taught by Qi Jin when he was chasing planets.

    Planet Luobo is a small fringe planet, and its total population is less than one-fifth of that of the empire, but it is rich in materials, especially rich in obsidian, the top material for making mechs.

    According to Robin, obsidian is not only the top material for making mech warships, but also has a fatal attraction to Zerg.

    When Robin said this, he deliberately took Xu Fuhuan to the front line. Among the densely packed Zerg, he pointed to the front Zerg and said, "Do you see the difference between this Zerg and other Zergs?" Xu

    Fuhuan Ning Mei looked at it for a while, only to realize that the shell of the Zerg Robin was referring to was very different from other Zergs.

    Under the sunlight, the shell of this Zerg faintly glowed with a bright black light, and the laser that could sweep people into ashes hit its shell, but only left a white spot and spot.


    Is this being protected by a diamond?

    Xu Fuhuan looked at the leading Zerg in disbelief.

    "You have also found out. It is said that according to the ability of our planet, if it is just an ordinary Zerg, our planet can solve it by itself. There is no need to ask for the support of the Empire, but these Zergs do not know where they swallowed the obsidian. Then Evolved like this... Anyway, our planet's weapons are considered to be the most advanced besides the blue planet, but there is nothing we can do about these Zerg that devour obsidian and evolve." Xu Fuhuan was silent


    "Then how many Zergs have evolved like this?"

    Robin touched his face and said with a vicissitudes of life: "About a third."

    "Has this happened before?"

    "No, before these At best, the Zerg are fighting in small ways, and with our weapons, we can deal with it. This large-scale invasion is the first time.”

    In any case, the obsidian abundant in Planet Luobo is the most important source of machinery for all planets. , the empire will definitely send troops to garrison.

    And Robin's grandfather was a soldier sent by the empire to station here. After two generations, Robin has regarded this place as his home.

    But the inaction of the empire has really chilled the hearts of the people on Planet Luobo. In order to fight for power and profit, the upper echelon of the empire regards their lives as nothing. How can we not let them be disappointed in the empire?

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