Chapter 94

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Chapter 94 The Villain Is My Furnace (8)

Chao Huan rubbed his hands coldly, adding another layer to the barrier.

However, this isolation barrier was useless at all, the biting cold wind invaded his soul from all directions, as if it wanted to freeze his entire soul.

It's so weird.

What's more, what he didn't expect was that Feng Lan's body was already covered in frost in just such a short time, and she was lying quietly on the ground like a crystal clear statue.

What kind of secret realm is this?

It's so powerful?

Chao Huan couldn't take care of herself, and hugged Feng Lan, who had been frozen into an ice sculpture, tightly in her arms, and the spiritual energy in her body was continuously poured into Feng Lan's body.

As time passed, the spiritual power in his body began to dry up, but the ice sculpture in his arms showed no sign of melting at all.

Zhao Huan is so angry that she wants to scold her mother.


Xu Fuhuan hurried over on the black dragon at the bottom of the lake, and what he saw were two people who had been frozen into ice sculptures.

The black dragon transformed into a human form, walked to Xu Fuhuan's side in a neat tight black suit, and said meanly: "These are the two people you are looking for? It looks like they are going to die soon." Xu Fuhuan's face turned

pale sink.

"What do you mean?"

The black dragon, as a divine beast, roamed the upper world for tens of thousands of years, but was sealed in this small world by the old man Yushui because of a greedy sleepiness. I was already very upset in my heart, but now I was fooled into giving the contract by a little cultivator at the stage of transformation.

If his old friends in the upper world knew about this, where would he put his old face?

Heilong gloated and said: "This cave is the portable cave that that old man Yushui made. Back then, old Yushui's crafting was from our upper realm-" "Key points." Xu Fuhuan said with a wooden



This black dragon was the monster that was under the lake back then, no, it was a divine beast.

At the beginning, he was sucked into the bottom of the lake by the black dragon, and almost became his food. At a critical moment, the black spirit beast egg he bought casually back then saved his life.

He didn't expect that the black spirit beast egg was actually the descendant of this black dragon.

The black dragon smelled the breath of his heir on him, and was furious on the spot. Afterwards, he relied on the black spirit beast egg in his hand to fool the black dragon, and finally made a contract with him into his own spirit beast.

Heilong hated others for interrupting his words the most, he couldn't help snorting angrily, and was about to get angry when he saw it.

Xu Fuhuan glanced at him coolly.

"Have you forgotten your identity?"

Heilong's face froze, holding his breath in his heart, unable to get out, and unable to get down.

It really pissed him off.

How could he be so unlucky!

It's all Yushui's old man, when he returns to the upper realm, he must turn over Yushui's refining furnace.

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