Chapter 80

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Chapter 80 Juggernaut, Your Creation Is Collapsed (10)

"Master, it's going to rain."

Hua Shijun was still immersed in sorrow for spring and autumn.

Xu Fuhuan stopped communicating with Xiaoer, opened his eyes, raised the curtain beside him, and looked outside.

When we set off in the morning, the sun was shining brightly. It was less than two hours since we set off, and the thick dark clouds had already pressed down on the top of the head, and the treetops were blown by the strong wind.

The spring is cold nowadays, and the cold wind blows people's personality extremely bitingly.

Xu Fuhuan glanced at the majestic guard on the horse.

"Look for an inn. Let's rest for one night. We will be on our way tomorrow."

Before the rain fell, Xu Da found the nearest inn.

This is the only inn within a radius of ten miles, and it is built on an important official road.

The rain came so suddenly that many people stayed here or took shelter from the rain. Most of the people staying here are businessmen on their way, and there are also some people from the rivers and lakes who are sheltering from the rain.

Compared with the informal Jianghu people, Xu Fuhuan's solemn and orderly bodyguards are particularly conspicuous.

Xu Fuhuan hasn't got off the carriage yet.

The chatter in the hall gradually died down, and the eyes sometimes showed hatred or disdain on the ordinary-looking carriage.

"How come there are people from the imperial court here?"

"What's wrong with the court people? Look at me. I won't take his head tonight." "

Oh, you should keep your voice down. Yingjie and Shaoxia died at their hands, I think you should leave this place early."

These words attracted the attention of most people, some agreed and some despised.

Xu Fuhuan lifted the curtain of the car, and the servant who stepped on his feet had already prostrated himself on the ground.

Xu Fuhuan frowned and glanced at Xu Da.

Xu Da got Xu Fuhuan's gaze, and hugged Xu Fuhuan by the waist, and jumped off the carriage.

This is what they have often done in the past few months, but in the eyes of others, it has a different meaning.

The leader who led the team pulled out his long sword and slashed at the prostrate servant.

"That's enough, it's going to rain soon, let's talk about it after we settle down."

It was he who was hypocritical.

This is an era of order and strict rules. In his heart, he just doesn't want to trample on the dignity of others, disregarding their opinions, and stepping on others' backs.

But his respect fell in the eyes of others, but it became the fault of that worthless servant.

Just when he was about to order Xu Da to bring Hua Shijun, from the corner of his eyes, he saw the leader's fierce eyes fixed on the trembling servant.

The words he said turned around in his mind, and became: "Let him serve the king nearby tonight."

After all, it was an innocent life, he could not change it, he could only adapt.

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