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    Atobubuchi fixed his eyes and said: "Let's go."

    Regardless of whether he is with those people or not, the most important thing now is to get out of here.

    Jumping out of the window, just after leaving the factory, Jiang Qi said: "Speaking of..."

    Atobe frowned: "What's wrong?" Are you going to reveal your purpose so soon?

    Jiang Qi pushed his glasses and said: "There is a gate there, why do we still have to go through the window?"

    Atobe Yuan heard this and looked over, the wide open gate seemed to be mocking him as a fool.

    Atobubuchi: "..." Actually, you didn't remind me on purpose, absolutely! !

    "You don't care what I do!!!"


    "What kind of eyes are you!!"

    "Oh. (=.=)"

    Atobebuchi: "..." I always feel that I'm fussing If he goes down, he will be pissed off.

    The leader of the kidnappers at the other place hung up the phone with a gloomy face, "Damn, I was tricked! Chase him, and bring him back!" "

    These idiots!" The housekeeper hung up the phone angrily, urging the girl to get out of the car.

    Xiao Ling frowned, with a bad premonition in her heart: "Uncle, what happened?"

    The housekeeper: "Those idiots misidentified the wrong person and let Atobe Yuan go!"

    "What?!" Xiao Ling lost her composure : "Then what should we do? We finally got a chance..."

    The housekeeper: "Calm down, maybe it's too late for us to go now."



    "They're catching up." The faint figure in the distance reminded Atobubuchi to say.

    Atobubuchi went crazy: "Why are you so calm after catching up!" Hey!

    Sure enough, you are all in the same group! !

    Jiang Qi pushed his glasses, a gleam flashed in his eyes, and said very seriously: "They can't beat me."

    Thinking that it was the man tearing the steel bar in front of him just now, Atobubuchi fell silent.

    "...they are numerous and powerful."

    Jiang Qi opened his mouth, and he didn't say that he could kill them with a single slap. It would be bad if he was treated as a monster.

    ↑Actually, he almost regards you as a "monster".

    Jiang Qi searched on the map for a while, and he really found a good place to hide for the time being. His eyes lit up and he said, "Come with me."

    He took Atobe Yuan to a huge stone that was made up of several two-person-high stones. a circular place.

    Atobubuchi looked around: "What are you doing here with you? We have to get out of here quickly, the kidnappers will be here soon."

    Jiang Qi thought he was scared, so he patted the top of his head to comfort him, pointing to the stone and said : "We're hiding in here."

    Atobebuchi: "Huh???"

    He looked at the stone he was pointing at carefully for a while, and was not sure: "What is this?" Is there a hidden mechanism or something? ?

    Poor kid, so handsome but a fool.

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