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    Little old man... little old man, he really didn't agree.

    The little old man snorted coldly, squinted at his thin body, turned his head away, out of sight and out of mind, and assumed that the other party occupied his territory by default.

    Jiang Qi smiled kindly. A row of words was written on the ground in front:

    ——Just cast a copper coin, I wish you all lose 20 catties.

    The little old man sneered in disdain, only a fool would believe this.

    He waited to see Jiang Qi's joke, but what happened next was beyond his expectation.

    Every time people who passed by Jiang Qi, no matter men or women, as long as they saw the sentence written by Jiang Qi, they took out a copper coin and put it into the bowl in front of Jiang Qi.

    One morning passed, and the bowl was filled with a bowl of copper coins.

    Jiang Qi packed up and prepared to leave.

    The little old man was dumbfounded, and... still have this kind of operation? ? He leaned over curiously, and asked: "Why do they obediently give money?"

    Jiang Qi said with a smile: "People always have a mentality of beauty, and they always feel that they are not thin enough, their body is not good enough, and their skin is too bad. False, but there is actually a glimmer of hope in my heart, what if a miracle happens? As long as there is a shortcut to becoming beautiful, the power they will unleash is limitless." In the future, there will be a variety of skin-care products and cosmetics that will be popular in the plastic surgery industry, right

    ? It doesn't make sense.

    The little old man stared at him in amazement when he heard what he said. "Your opinion... makes sense!"

    Jiang Qi smiled without saying a word, and was about to leave when he was stopped by the little old man. He cast aside a few sneaky hooligans not far away, and whispered: "You should stay here now, don't expose your wealth, and leave when they leave you."

    Jiang Qi thought to himself, he wished that these local hooligans would come to rob him, otherwise how could he come to save the beauty?

    So he gratefully rejected the little old man's kindness and left in one direction.

    The little old man looked at his back and shook his head, already anticipating that the other party would have a hard time.

    Almost when Jiang Qi was leaving, four or five hooligans followed, a group of beggars scrambling to occupy Jiang Qi's territory.

    "I came here first, you get out—"

    "It was you who got out, I came first!"

    "Get out——"

    the little old man snorted coldly, and suddenly got up to erase the line of writing, "It was you who gave it to me!" I'll get lost—"

    The little old man had learned two-handed martial arts, and the beggars in the surrounding area didn't dare to provoke him. When they saw that the handwriting was gone, they all lost the motivation to resist, and walked away in despair.

    Let's talk about the other side.

    Jiang Qi walked slowly because of his injuries, and bought a bowl of porridge and two steamed buns to eat on the way. A few hooligans behind him had poor tracking skills, so he had to walk slowly so that they could keep up with him.

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