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    Uchiha Madara is of course much more powerful than Hatake Sakumo, but because this is Konoha, he can't use too much power under various considerations. Furthermore, Hatake Sakumo is not an ordinary ninja, even Uchiha Madara was surprised.

    As expected of a genius, Hatake Sakumo with the title of White Fang.

    Even after spending a few minutes with Sakumo Hatake, the commotion caused by the two of them attracted Anbe to him.

    So Uchiha Madara can't take Hatake Sakumo for a while, and Hatake Sakumo can't stop the opponent.

    In the end, Uchiha Madara chose to focus on the big things, and firmly remembered Jiang Qi's face before leaving. Jiang Qi didn't seem to know what the other party was looking at him for, so he stopped eating melon seeds and blinked his eyes. Suddenly, Jiang Qi looked at Uchiha Madara whose eyes were exposed, spit out the melon seed shell, jumped up and down happily, as if seeing an idol, and said: "Hey, are you Uchiha Madara?"

    Uchiha Madara's foot slipped and almost fell.

    "Come with me." Originally, Uchiha Madara only planned to come to Konoha to clean up this person at any time in the future, but now he recognized him unexpectedly. Of course, he couldn't let Jiang Qi stay in Konoha again.

    Jiang Qi was puzzled, and the next moment he felt his body vacated, and was taken away by the opponent's direct resistance on his shoulders.

    Hatake Sakumo secretly thought that it was not good, so he hurriedly chased after him.

    Visitor: "System, do you think I should follow?"

    System: "You're stupid, of course you have to change, don't forget that Hatake Sakumo cannot die, if you die, your mission will fail."

    Visitor: " But with Hatake Sakumo's strength, it seems that his life is not in danger... and Hatake Sakumo's death is not like this." System: "

    You are said to be a pig and you still think you are the Marshal of the Canopy! Don't you Did you hear that melon seed eater calling Uchiha Madara!!!"

    The visitor: "..."

    "Ahhhhh what should I do with the system!"

    System: "Catch up, pig!"

    The visitor hurriedly picked up the unfamiliar chakra and followed them: "Ohhhhh!"

    The system: "Oh, forget it, it's impossible to catch up with them at your speed, let me help you." The

    system : If IQ is not IQ, if ability is not capable, apart from good acting skills and being a bit silly and sweet, what is the use of this host? Alas, only a system with a kind heart like me would want him.

    The visitors complained in their hearts: This system needs functions but no functions, needs cheats but no cheats, and has a bad temper! Probably only a kind host like me can bear it.

    ↑God sync.


    Jiang Qi was held on the shoulder by Uchiha Madara, and the bones on the opponent's shoulder made him feel uncomfortable in his stomach. He poked Uchiha Madara's shoulder and said, "Can you slow down? I feel a little uncomfortable at the top of my stomach." "...


    Don't speak.

    Jiang Qi continued: "I've been eating just now, I ate a little too much, I feel a little nauseous."

Low air pressure, although the murderous aura all over his body is getting heavier, but his pace is gradually slowing down.

    "That's right." Jiang Qi adjusted his position to make him feel comfortable.

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