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    Why don't you give me more time_(:з」∠)

    _Heiyu Pirates came up for the first time: Ah, just wash your hands and quit the rivers and lakes, and don't want to be a strange thief in the future.

    If Jiang Qi knew it, it would be because of his words that Heiyu Pirates would no longer be the chief culprit of the strange thief, so I don't know what to express.

    It's a pity that he doesn't know.


    The dark clouds cover the sun, it is a good time to steal, bah bah bah!

    Jiang Qi was taken to the back alley by Heiyu Pirate without a sound, and landed in the corner behind the wall. The paraglider was put away. Jiang Qi watched him operate very seriously this time, and put the The paraglider was put away.

    The paraglider shrank rapidly, the man shook his hand, and he didn't know where the paraglider was received by him. Jiang Qi widened his eyes and touched his waist and other places in surprise. It was the first time he saw such an unscientific thing in the scientific world.

    No, no, no, it shouldn’t be scientific. For example, the physique of the murder case of Wannian elementary school student Conan Jun... Science Jun said that it can’t explain it at all ╮(╯_╰)╭

    Heiyu Pirates was unprepared, and seemed distracted by Jiang Qi's teasing. In order to make his little brother behave better, he quickly grabbed the young master's troublesome little hand, "Don't move, we are going up."

   Jiang Qi nodded in a  daze , looked up at the roof, swallowed. Ask: "Which floor do you go to?"

    Black Feather Pirate One thought he was frightened, so he smiled and comforted him: "Don't worry, it's not high, we only go up to the fifteenth floor."

    Jiang Qi: "..." No, actually I am Feel a little ashamed.

    For the entire building, the 15th floor is certainly not high, but if it is calculated according to the usual 15th floor... hehe

    ... Jiang Qi rolled his eyes: "Then do you want to take me up there?"

    Heiyu Pirate One: "Well, otherwise you will be discovered.

    " And the VIP booth, etc., tell him that you can go in in a fair manner...

    Finally, Jiang Qi twitched the corner of his mouth and gave up the opportunity to let Heiyu Pirate take him to fly, took his hand, and entered the venue directly.

    It just happened to be a coincidence that the protagonist of the banquet in the venue was the one who issued the mission to Heiyu Pirate One.

    It's just that the two don't know it yet.

    As soon as Heiyu Pirates was brought into the hotel by Jiang Qi, although he was a little confused at first, but fortunately he came from a good background. Although he was not as rich as Jiang Qi's family, he was still a family ranked high in Japan.

    The hotel lobby sings and dances, and the elegant cello music and piano music echo each other, and the sound is long and rhythmic.

    Black Feather Pirate's eyes suddenly lit up, bent down and stretched out his right hand in front of Jiang Qi, making an invitation gesture, the gentleman asked politely: "Sir, may I invite you to dance?" Jiang Qi was stunned

    , Subconsciously wanted to refuse, not to mention that he was going to dance in the hall, thinking that the eyes of the surroundings would fall on him, his whole body was about to have goose bumps.

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