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    Of course, Jiang's father and Jiang's mother disagreed with Jiang Qi's going with the program group, but they had no choice but to give up on Jiang Qi after being stared at by him for less than five seconds.

    In the end, they gritted their teeth and followed the program crew, staring straight at the little boy who abducted their baby.

    Tang Han held Jiang Qi's limp little hand, held his head high, and looked like a little adult. "Baby, how old are you?"

    "Five years old."

    Tang Han: "Haha, I'm one year older than you, you should call me brother."


    "Why?!" Tang Han stared round eyes.

    Jiang Qi didn't bother to pay attention to him, he has lived for thousands of years, how could he call a six-year-old kid brother! Even if this little brat is the main character, he won't shout in the future if he's called upon in the future! Except when doing something.

    Tang Han was a little unhappy at first, but seeing that Jiang Qi ignored him, he accidentally let go of his hand, so he quickly ran over to cover his hand. "Hold me, don't get lost."

    Live broadcast room:

    Deadwood: I don't know why, from this scene, I seem to see our future status in Xiaohan's family...

    Xiao Qi's future mother-in-law: No! I do not believe! I do not believe! I don't want to watch it, the little loli is actually my daughter-in-law, I pre-ordered it, but... how can she be so cute——ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ

    Hot girl: Tsk, shame on the upstairs! I obviously booked another one before you! (?Д?)?

    Xiaoxiao: Xiaohan is completely eaten by the little loli hhhhh

    Single dog: Give me another bowl of dog food! To be imported!

    Bad couple: Woohoo, they are obviously a couple of children, why is the CP feeling so strong! (?

    Spiral withered vine: Han Han, you have to cheer us on for men! Don’t be a strict wife! ('Δ′)!

    Tang Han didn't know that a group of fans on the Internet were worried about him. He only knew that today was the happiest day since he was born.

    Of course, he would have been happier, he thought, if he hadn't been followed by a bunch of light bulbs.

    One of the light bulbs? The photographer assistant reminded in a low voice: "Xiaohan, Xiaohan, you should go back."

    She said that going back is the main location of this shooting.

    Tang Han frowned and said: "But isn't the time to come out before dark? It's still early!" The

    photographer assistant said softly: "You have no money on you, and you can't buy anything. You can go back earlier "

    Tang Han's two small eyebrows frowned even more, "No way! I can't give up like this, I think I can do better!" He fully interpreted a person who is serious and responsible.

    Everyone: "..."

    Although what you said was very convincing, if you hadn't held onto little Lolita and refused to let go, we would have almost believed it! !

    A long string of 666666 floated in the live broadcast room.

    The corner of the photographer's assistant's mouth twitched, and his mind flashed: "But you see, the weather is getting colder. The little sister gave you her own hat. She doesn't have any herself. It must be very cold. There is heating at home, so..."

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