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    Maybe it was because he had been in a daze for too long, the person in front of him raised his hand again.

    "Ahaha, I'm fine!"

      Rinzu scratched his head, stretched out his hand to hold the other's hand and stood up, just about to kiss the back of the hand of the beauty in front of him flirtatiously to prove that he is still straight, but he seemed to see the grown-up version Atobe Keigo said to him with a dark face: "Boy, let go of your hand!"

    Ninzuzu was so frightened that he let go of his hand immediately.

    The two were none other than Atobe Yuan and Jiang Qi who had returned home.

    Atobuyuan snorted dissatisfiedly, and held Jiang Qi's outstretched hand in his own, as if he couldn't bear being touched by others for a moment. With such a strong possessive desire, Jiang Qi not only didn't feel awkward and uncomfortable, but obediently let it go. by his actions.

    Seeing this, Keigo Atobe's mouth twitched, probably only my mother could bear my father.

    "Cough, Mom and Dad... Welcome home..."

    Keigo Atobe has already planned to reconcile, and of course he won't be as silent as before and wait for them to ask him about his recent situation first.

    Jiang Qi's eyes lit up, and he immediately abandoned her husband and rushed to his son: "Is Xiao Atobe acting like a baby? She's still so cute~"

    Looking at Atobe Yuan with empty palms, he gritted his teeth: "..."

     Since Xiao Qi is so happy, then Give your son a few minutes.

    And our forbearance has already been petrified, looking blankly at the family of three in front of us...

    So, he, he almost molested Atobe's mother just now? ? ? Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    ...There is nothing to love in life. _(:3」∠)_

    Keigo Atobe blushed and let his mother rub his face, and because he was taller than the other party, he bent the other party slightly to make him rub it more happily.

    In order to please his mother, he also worked hard.

    Atobe Keigo stood aside in a daze and looked at their motionless forbearance from the corner of his eye, and glared at him from embarrassment.

    Those who are not gorgeous, leave soon!

    Shinobu Yushi thought that he hadn't received the message from him. He pushed his glasses, his eyes flashed, and the corner of his mouth suddenly brought up a smile that could fascinate women.

     The gentleman said: "So it's Atobe's mother, hello, I It’s Atobe’s teammate Ninazume Yushi, I’m really rude just now, I’m glad to meet you.”

    Jiang Qi hesitated for a while, and after he didn’t feel the annoying sight from the other party, he nodded and said: “…Hello, uh ... Ninzu... Yushi..."

    Ninzu Yushi hurriedly said: "Auntie just call me Ninzu."

    Jiang Qi: "Student Ninzu, my stupid son is bothering you."

    Ninzu Yushi: This is the first time I heard someone say Atobe is stupid...as expected of the mother Atobe always talks about.

    "It should be that Atobe is taking care of us. Besides, Atobe often mentions you in my ear."

    Jiang Qi's eyes lit up.

    Renzu struck while the iron was hot and said: "I still have photos of Atobe's tennis club over the past few years..."

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