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"Wouldn't it be nice for us to leave like this?" Hatake Sakumo said.

Jiang Qi snorted coldly: "Don't tell me you want to leave contact information with him and then sneak into Chencang?"

What does sneaking into Chencang mean? But judging from the other party's tone, Hatake Sakumo's guess was pretty close. Suddenly he couldn't laugh or cry: "I don't know him at all

, okay


His cheeks flushed, and he denied it: "I hate you the most! How could I like you!"

The co-author is still holding grudges.

Hatake Sakumo was helpless, this little guy really has a bad temper. He spoke in a low voice, and the already hoarse and dull voice was full of indescribable taste: "I was wrong in the morning, I shouldn't have yelled at you, and I was also worried that you would be troubled by everyone in Konoha."

" Hmph." Jiang Qi turned his head away from him.

Admitting your mistake was useless.

Hatake Sakumo was helpless, and took out a new skill: "Who said just now that I didn't want to commit suicide when I wasn't here?"

Jiang Qi pretended to be stupid: "Who? Who?! It's not me anyway!"

"Oh~" Hatake Sakumo The doting smile in the eyes: "Then tell me, did the person who said this mean that he expected that I would save him, so he said that he would not commit suicide when I was not around? "

That's right.

Jiang Qi still didn't speak, but his cheeks puffed up unconsciously, even he himself didn't know that when he was angry, his cheeks puffed up unconsciously, forming a fleshy and cute bun face.

"Does Xiaoqi know who it is?"


Jiang Qi suddenly turned his head and stared at him, his eyes were red with anger, "I don't know! I hate you the most!!"

Sakumo Hatake: Why are you getting more and more angry.

If Akashi Seijuro, Shiba and others are here, they will tell him that when he is angry, he must smooth his hair and coax him patiently. It is typical to eat soft but not hard. If he comes anyway, the other party will Get angrier and sometimes do things that make you anxious.

"I will definitely find someone to commit suicide when you are not around!!"


Hatake Sakumo immediately swears, wishing to go back in time and slap him hard.

Through his understanding of Jiang Qi these days, the other party will definitely implement it and prove it to him.

"Hey, that's it, that's it, I was joking with you just now..." Hatake Sakumo said with a flattering face, "I apologize, I'm sorry, I shouldn't yell at you, next time... absolutely no next time Now, next time you punish me casually, okay?"

Jiang Qi loosened a bit, but was soon replaced by a sad face: "Do you think I'm annoying..."

"No, no, absolutely not!" Hatake Sakumo spoke honestly. Not only did he not feel that the other party was annoying, but on the contrary he felt very obedient.

Except for being lively when discussing novels and comics, the rest of the time is so quiet that it hurts him.

If... If Jiang Qi gave up his hobbies because of his reasons, thinking of the lonely back of the other party, as if separated from others in two corners, Hatake Sakumo regretted it more than once now.

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