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    The relationship between Heiyu Pirates and Jiang Qi lasted for a month. Gradually, Heiyu Pirates became greedy. He was not satisfied with seeing Jiang Qi only every night.

    So he found out about Jiang Qi's school and sneaked into Jiang Qi's class as an art teacher.

    Jiang Qi stared out of the window with his chin propped up, and the nympho voices of his classmates floated into his ears automatically.

    "Wow, the new teacher is so handsome (?▽?)"

    "Nympho..." "

    Don't you think so!"

    "Ahem, he's so handsome..."

    "Yeah, it looks good Young, I just don’t know if he has a girlfriend!”

    “Such an attractive person, even if he has a girlfriend, I still want to chase him!”

    Jiang Qi: Hehe, I’m so sorry, he doesn’t have a girlfriend, only a friend with benefits.

    As soon as Heiyu Pirates stood on the podium, his eyes kept on looking out of the window without a trace, only the people who had been ignoring him from the very first glance were anxious and angry, wishing to bring the young master out to educate him.

    Does your husband look good outside the window? !

    Heiyu Pirates held his breath, and picked up the roster: "Because this is my first class today, and you are not familiar with me, let me introduce myself here. My name is Heiyu Pirates." Pick up chalk and write your name, "You can call me Kuroba-sensei directly, or you can call me Pirate-sensei, of course, I'm not very familiar with you, so let's call names and get to know each other now." "Sato

    . "





    "To." "


    "...Jiang Qi."

    "..." There was a moment of silence.

    "Jiang Qi!" "

    ..." Jiang Qi didn't want to talk to him at all, but the classmates at the front desk kept winking at him, so he could only cast him a glance and then silently turned his head away, whispering reluctantly. Heiyu

    Pirates touched his nose, and walked to Jiang Qi's desk pretending to be serious, "This classmate, why didn't you agree to call you just now?!"

    Jiang Qi secretly rolled his eyes, He said angrily: "Teacher, I ate something I shouldn't have eaten last night, so

    my throat hurts a bit." You pay attention to rest."

    "Okay." Jiang Qi gave him an expression that he will settle accounts with you later, and then sat down on his stomach again, and Heiyu Pirates began to call other people's names with sweat on his forehead.

    Lunch break after class.

    As soon as Heiyu Pirate left, Jiang Qi followed up to the roof. After confirming that there was no one around, he locked the roof, put his arms around his waist, and had a half-smile on his face. "When did Mr. Thief suddenly become interested in becoming a people's teacher?"

    Black Feather Pirate smiled, and put his arms around Jiang Qi's waist cheekily: "I didn't do this to prevent mine from being stolen by others."

    Jiang Qi smiled She pulled his face and said, "Then you have to guard it, because not only others will steal it, but this treasure can also run away by itself.

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