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    Again, I was fooled again!

    Jiang Qi leisurely stuffed grapes into his mouth! Continue to tease him: "Do you want to eat~" As he spoke, he lightly bit the grape with his white teeth, facing Song Yuanqiao's direction.

    Song Yuanqiao blushed and snorted coldly, "Shameless!"

    He refused with his mouth, but leaned forward honestly.

    Jiang Qi smiled and hugged him and kissed him. Grape juice overflowed from the corners of their mouths.

    It took half an hour before they started to set off again. They had already reached the foot of Wudang Mountain. Even if they stayed for half an hour, they only took another hour and a half to reach the Wudang faction.

    "Brother! You're back!" A young man with a youthful look was supposed to be about to go out, but when he saw who was standing at the door, he ran out of the door excitedly.

    "Second junior brother." Song Yuanqiao saw his junior brother whom he hadn't seen for a long time, and missed him very much. He hugged each other excitedly, and Jiang Qi moved them apart calmly.

    Jiang Qi's eyes were sharp: You are a family man now, don't mess with others.

    Song Yuanqiao couldn't help coughing, and introduced to Yu Lianzhou who didn't know why: "His name is Jiang Qi, how old are you, you call him Jiang..." "


    Yu Lianzhou: "Ah? What?"

    Song Yuanqiao was taken aback , he had an ominous premonition.

    Jiang Qi smiled, and said decisively: "Please call me sister-in-law, I am your elder brother's unmarried daughter-in-law."

    Yu Lianzhou: "!!!"

    Song Yuanqiao: "..."

    Yu Lianzhou was surprised: "Are you a woman?"

    Jiang Qi: "A man."

    "You, you, you, you——" Yu Lianzhou was taken aback, pointed at Jiang Qi and took several steps back, and he said in horror: "How could a man be my sister-in-law? !!"

    Jiang Qi: "Tsk, I've never heard of Duanxiu     , a group of straight men!"

    Yu Lianzhou opened her mouth wide, then turned to look at Song Yuanqiao, "Brother, he...?"

, saw that although there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, not only was there not much smile in his eyes, but more elegant. His figure was clearly reflected in a pair of watery eyes.

    I don't want to make him sad, and I can't make him sad, let alone make him sad.

    After figuring it out, Song Yuanqiao's heart relaxed, and he spoke confidently: "That's right, she is my unmarried daughter-in-law, she is a man, you will call her sister-in-law from now on." Jiang Qi rolled his eyes suddenly

    . The real and happy smile eclipsed the scenery on Wudang.

    Yu Lianzhou: (°д°) Is this sister-in-law still pretty?

    Bah bah bah! Don't think about nonsense.

    "Eldest brother! You! You are so confused!" Yu Lianzhou sighed maturely, "Eldest brother, don't tell other people or Master about this matter, it will be Master's 70th birthday in a while, let him Happy birthday."

    Song Yuanqiao silently looked at Jiang Qi.

    Jiang Qi smiled innocently: "You can't say that. A birthday plus a marriage is just happiness. It's too late for Master to be happy." Song Yuanqiao: Second Junior Brother, I'm afraid we can't keep     this

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