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    Although he let his son go to play by himself, but in the dangerous Meteor Street, Yiermi is only five years old now, Jiang Qi is of course worried that he will go out alone, and save a little mental energy for Yiermi.

    A well-dressed cute child in a dangerous area is undoubtedly the target of snatching and bullying, or the target of people with bad habits.

    At this time, Yiermi is as conspicuous as a lamb caught in a pack of wolves.

    "That's...Il fans?" The black-haired little boy not far away saw the black-haired cat-eyed "little girl" in the middle of the road, and let out a small sigh.

    If it wasn't for his rebirth, when the knight was searching for the family information of the Dadike family, he would occasionally see Yiermi when he was a child, and he still couldn't believe that the cute facial paralyzed loli in a pink dress in front of him was the nail monster Yiermi.

    He originally wanted to ignore the other party, but seeing that he was an "acquaintance", Kuroro stopped in interest.

    I met an "acquaintance" on the first day of rebirth, is this a good sign?

    He was thinking about how to strike up a conversation, and someone had already gone one step ahead of him.

    "Little sister, you got lost. My brother will take you to play." The young man who looked fairly upright had a malicious smile in his eyes.

    Yi Ermi's eyes narrowed, and red lips spit out two words: "Ugly."

    The young man: "..."

    "Pfft." Kuroro couldn't help but burst out laughing. Il fans were pretty funny when they were kids.

    "Pfft ha ha ha, Jack, it seems that you have been rejected, little sister, come with me." The bald man who was with the young man walked over with a loud voice.

    Yier fan: "Ugly people are not qualified to talk to me."


    The two of them were so frustrated that they were about to force their hands to catch him. In

    the other room, Jiang Qi suddenly stood up, " I'll go see Xiao Yi."

    Xiba: "I'll go too."


    originally thought that the next scene would be blood spattered by two men on the spot. Unexpectedly, Yi Ermi remained motionless, as if he was frightened. Seeing that he was about to fall into their hands, he ran over without thinking At the critical moment, he grabbed Yi Ermi's wrist, "Run!"

    However, Kurolo forgot that he had only been reborn for one day at this time. was overtaken by them. The men stopped them one after the other.

    "The person was not rescued, but he got himself involved." Ku Luoluo clicked his tongue and stared at the innocent culprit: "Why didn't you run away just now?!" If

    he hadn't just pulled Ilmi While running, the other party kept dragging him back, could they be caught so quickly? ! Might as well escape.

    "Hmph, mind your own business." Yi Ermi snorted coldly.

    Kuroro: At this moment, should I be angry or glad that the other party didn't say no to him...

    Jack: "Little sister, running away is bad behavior. Especially running away with others."

    Elmi looked contemptuously, The hatred value is full: "I am a man, and I am ugly and read a lot." For the

    first time, Kuroro doubted his own judgment: Is this really an Il fan? Is he beating the enemy?

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