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    Jun Ziyuan cooks, although Song Yuanqiao is a martial artist and doesn't care about these words, but he has never entered the kitchen once, let alone buying vegetables.

    Song Yuanqiao obediently followed behind Jiang Qi, curiously watching the person in front of him haggle vigorously, obviously only a few pennies were lost in the end, but this person smiled like the sun, very good-looking.

    So he laughed too.

    Well, shopping for groceries is kind of fun.

    He was a little eager to try, and when he walked to the next place to buy vegetables, he quietly walked to the hawker's basket next to him while Jiang Qi was bargaining, thinking about Jiang Qi's way of bargaining and learning: "How do you buy this?"

    Finally As a result, Song Yuanqiao, who was not thick-skinned enough, was blushed by the vegetable seller, and finally bought the vegetables at the original price.

    Seeing the potatoes in his hand, Jiang Qi raised his eyebrows and said, "Do you like this?" "


    "Then let's go, I'll make you pork ribs with potatoes!"

    In a place Jiang Qi didn't see , Song Yuanqiao quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

    In order to treat him well, Jiang Qi went to the wine shop to buy a few catties of liquor with a strong alcohol content. given. Jiang Qi accepted it bluntly, since the money was spent on him anyway.

    Jiang Qi's cooking skills are very good, so many worlds are not in vain, and his cooking skills have long been his own. Song Yuanqiao was a little cautious at the beginning, but he slowly let go after eating the familiar food taste.

    Jiang Qi kept pouring wine for him, and the words in his mouth attracted his attention: "Brother Song, how old are you?" "


    Twenty-one... Jiang Qi paused strangely, and asked with a smile "Brother Song, how old do I think I am?"

    Song Yuanqiao drank a glass of wine, couldn't help but startled when he heard the words, and looked at him seriously, with a thin and small stature and a delicate face, he guessed: "Around eighteen...? "

    Jiang Qi: "I'm twenty-three years old, and I'm two years older than you, Brother Song." He teased a bit, and his tone put three points on the word "Brother Song".

    Song Yuanqiao was choked by the drink: "Puff cough cough!!"

    Jiang Qi quickly patted him on the back.

    After a while, Song Yuanqiao slowly calmed down, his face was still flushed, and he didn't know whether it was from embarrassment or coughing. "Don't call me Brother Song."

    Jiang Qicai didn't care, and his mouth was willful on him: "I'm going to call it, it sounds nice."

    Song Yuanqiao: "This, this doesn't make sense..."

    "Brother Song, Brother Song—— "

    Song Yuanqiao blushed, and had no choice but to compromise and said: "Don't, don't talk about it, you can do whatever you want."

    Jiang Qi smiled and put a piece of meat in his bowl, his slender wrist caught the man's eyes, The stabbing made him feel distressed, so he also took a piece of meat for him, and said, "Don't worry about me, you can eat too."

    Jiang Qi looked at the food in the bowl, his mouth flattened, and his acting skills suddenly began to soar. "You are so kind to me. No one has ever held anything for me."

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