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    Long and upright, white clothes like snow. If someone mentions who is suitable to wear white clothes to Lu Xiaofeng, the first thing he thinks of is Ximen Chuuxue.

    He has never seen anyone who can wear white so well, and he has never seen a person whose underwear and socks are all white, as white as snow.

    Cough cough, I want to ask him why he knows this... Lu Xiaofeng remembered that when they first met, he strayed into the place where Ximen Chuuxue was taking a bath, and he was sincerely glad that Ximen Chuuxue didn't kill him with a sword because of his temper. He is thankful that he has survived till now.

    Ever since Lu Xiaofeng met Ximen Chuuxue, he had only seen him in white, so he always thought that Ximen Chuuxue would not have any color other than black swords on his body, but he never expected...emmm... Lu Xiaofeng's eyes were fixed on

    Ximen Chuuxue's waistband The red purse he was wearing was embroidered with a small figure in white clothes only a few centimeters high. The small figure had a delicate face and held a dark iron epee in his hand. You could tell who the owner of it was at a glance.

    It's kinda cute.

    No, not right! Lu Xiaofeng came back to his senses abruptly, dispelling the terrifying thought that had just surfaced in him.

    Dare to say that the sword god Ximen Fuxue is cute? He must have felt that his life was too long.

    Ximen Chuuxue took a sip of tea, and said expressionlessly, "What are you doing here?"

    When she saw him, she didn't say a word, and stared at him directly.


    "That's not important, that's not important!" Lu Xiaofeng smiled and waved his hands, forgetting all about Shangguan Danfeng Da Jinpeng King and so on, with eight written on the left side and hexagrams written on the right cheek, and asked obliquely: "Ximen, what about your waist?" The money bag hanging in the middle is quite unique. Why haven’t I seen it before?”

    The expression on Ximen Chuuxue’s face softened for a moment, and Lu Xiaofeng almost felt that he had read it wrong, and he felt uncomfortable. There was a feeling that a good friend was rejected The feeling of being aggrieved is taken away by someone who knows.

    "He did it." The corners of Ximen Chuuxue's mouth rose slightly.

    Although it was only 0.01 cm, Lu Xiaofeng seemed to have seen something unbelievable, and exclaimed loudly: "Ximen, you laughed! You can actually laugh!? I thought you always had this expression!" Ximen

    Fuxue : "I am a human being, and all human beings can laugh."

    Lu Xiaofeng categorically said, "You are not human!"

    Ximen Chuixue gave him an indifferent look.

    "You are a god!" Feeling the murderous aura, Lu Xiaofeng said hastily.

    Ximen Chuuxue: "..."

    The murderous aura around him disappeared, Lu Xiaofeng leaned over meanly, touched the purse, and said, "I'm really curious about who he is in your mouth, it makes you feel soft when you think of him." It would be even better if there is a chance to meet him."

    Ximen Chuuxue, who was poked to the heart, drew his sword and stabbed him.

    Lu Xiaofeng ran away in a panic, begging for mercy repeatedly. "I made a mistake, Ximen, stop now—" Although he didn't know where he was wrong, it was definitely right to admit his mistake at this time! ! !

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