97: The Big Monster Leader

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[Congratulations to the host for completing the task, welcome the host to go home la la la (?▽?)~]

Jiang Qi was dizzy, and his mental power became stronger. He could clearly feel that he was drawn by an inexplicable force thing.

"001, what did you do just now?"

[Ang? Just now? 】001 tilted his head and thought for a while, then said: 【It's your emotion, Mr. Host. 】

Jiang Qi remembered what he told 001, and his heart moved, he shut his mouth, and stopped himself from subconsciously asking 001 not to draw.

It seems that the Demon King has a deep influence on him. He closed his eyes to sort out his mood, and when he opened them again, his mind was still like water.

"Draw the reward."

[The reward is being drawn...]

[The drawing has been completed, congratulations to the host for obtaining the "Yin Yang Eye". 】

Jiang Qi: So he is not only a vampire and a mermaid, but now he can even see ghosts?

"This ability is useless..." Jiang Qi sighed, he didn't want to see a ghost who lost his head in front of him while walking on the street casually. He does not have the power to eliminate ghosts, so having yin and yang eyes is not necessarily a good thing.

Suddenly, a light flashed in the depths of Jiang Qi's eyes, and he suddenly asked: "001, can I use this ability for others?"

001 said without thinking: [Of course! Since this is yours, the host, you have the right to decide where it goes. ]

Jiang Qi: "That's good, by the way, I want to arrange my own identity in the next world." Jiang Qi's tone was very strong at the end. He no longer wants to be tricked by the identity arranged by 001.

001 weakly retorted: "But Master Host...you don't have permission..."

Jiang Qi: "Except for the ability you get from doing tasks, all other energy points you get will be given to you." Forget it for 001.

001's body shook, the electronic voice trembled excitedly, and a sharp voice sounded immediately, as if he was afraid that Jiang Qi would regret it: [I agree, I agree! Host, you can do whatever you want! 】

Jiang Qi: "..."

"That's it, I'll go to sleep first to replenish my energy."

Jiang Qi shook his head with a broken smile, walked into the room, shut the door of 001's intensely excited voice, and turned himself Shut up in a small room enclosed all around.

It's strange to shrink into the warm quilt. It stands to reason that the quilt that no one brings should be cold, but every time Jiang Qi returns to the room except for the first few times, the quilt is warm in the rest of the time. He takes off his clothes and lies down. It is simply not comfortable to go in.

The white gas that has always been respectful and dedicated to warming his sweetheart's bed takes advantage of Jiang Qi's deep sleep and transforms into a human body, hugging Jiang Qi from behind. From a distance, it looks like Jiang Qi is sleeping in his arms.

Jiang Qi was still smiling in his sleep at first, but as time went by, his face slowly became redder and redder, his lips parted slightly, and he gasped...


Suddenly, Jiang Qi opened his eyes sat up. He looked around in a daze, and after seeing clearly where it was, he smiled wryly. The little Jiang Qi between his legs had already swelled and stood upright, and the two small flowers also burst out with honey, as if they wanted to be picked.

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