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    Then in the next ten minutes, Monkey D. Long, who made bold words, was severely beaten by Roger Jiangqi.

    Roger laughed and said: "What, so this guy is so weak."

    Monkey D. Long glared at him angrily, and in the next second, he turned into a child of about ten years old in front of the two of them...

    Roger and Jiang Qi were astonished.

    The other party didn't seem to be aware of any changes in his body, and he still pretended: "Hmph, don't be complacent, the navy will come here soon, and then arrest you all!" Jiang Qi squatted down and

    looked Looking at the child lying on the ground, blinking, poking his cheek with a wooden stick.


    Monkey D. Long's cheek was poked sorely, and he sneered, "Beauty, can I think you are provoking me?!"

    Jiang Qi threw away the wooden stick, stood up and didn't care about his words, yes Roger said: "In addition to the mint-flavored devil fruit, he has other flavors. He should have eaten other fruits to become an adult." No wonder he always felt that there was something wrong with him.

    "How do you know—bah!" Monkey D. Long was stunned to realize that he had turned back into a child at this time, and suddenly jumped up. He had to raise his head to see him when he was originally tall enough to look down on Jiang Qi. Unhappily said: "Why don't you say that I was an adult, but I became a child because of a sudden incident!"

    Jiang Qi paused, his eyes clearly said: "I don't believe it!" "

    Hey, hey Hey! Believe me!" Monkey D. Long scratched his fried hair madly.

    Luo Jie secretly laughed: This rival in love is so weak, it is impossible for Jiang Qi to fall in love with him, unless the little goblin is a pedophile, so it seems that he is superstitious.

    After the arrogant Monkey D. Long was defeated by Roger, of course he was not willing to let him go, and followed Jiang Qi and Roger as a giant light bulb, or the kind that would not cut off the power , the reputation is that he will find his way back in the future! !

    When Roger Jiang Qi walked away holding hands, Monkey followed them. When they kissed, Monkey stared at them without blinking.

    Roger: ...(▼皮▼#)

    Roger: "Hey kid—"

    Monkey: "?"

    Roger suddenly raised a sunny and righteous smile, and said temptingly: "Do you want to do something big with me?" "

    Monkey: "Yes!"

    Jiang Qi glanced at him sympathetically, usually when Roger shows such a smile, it's always when he's cheating.

    Luo Jie took Jiang Qi to a coffee shop not far from the auction, and said: "Little fairy, wait for me here for a while, and I will pick you up later."

    Jiang Qi lowered his eyes anxiously, "Are you really Will you come back?"

    Luo Jie felt a pain in his heart, and assured him: "Of course, trust me."


    Jiang Qi watched the backs of one big and one small gradually disappear before his eyes, and he was sure that they would disappear, his face turned slightly pale Not even frustrated, I called the boss excitedly: "Boss, serve all the desserts in your store~~" "


    The table was full of cute desserts, and Jiang Qi happily forked a piece of it. Into the mouth...

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