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    "Xiao Feng!! Where did you go, bastard!!! Get back to me!" Xiao Yuanshan, who was almost fifty, roared angrily in the yard. His handsome and tough appearance looked like he was only in his thirties. He rolled up his sleeves, revealing two strong arms, and just planned to go out and catch the bastard back.


    Xiao Yuanshan's body froze, and he stopped abruptly.

    "Come back."

    Xiao Yuanshan turned his head stiffly, and said with a flattering smile: "Husband... madam... why did you come out..."

    Jiang Qi didn't put any makeup on his face, and was wearing a red coat, saying that he was definitely a beautiful woman believe. The years seem to have treated him particularly favorably, and he was reluctant to leave traces of the years on his face, and it was impossible to tell that he already had a son who was almost thirty years old. There was a half-smile on the corner of his mouth, "Hehe, don't I know what you're thinking? If I don't come out, I'm afraid you would have disappeared." Xiao Yuanshan: "

    Madam is wise!"

    Jiang Qi: "Tell me, what are you going to do. "

    Xiao Yuanshan wagged his tail and pinched his shoulders flatteringly: "Didn't I find out the whereabouts of the old thief Murong

    ? You still miss him."

    Xiao Yuanshan said with great distress: "If it wasn't because of him, how could you have given birth prematurely... I won't teach him a lesson, I can't swallow this breath in my heart!" At that time, his heart almost stopped in shock.

    Jiang Qi looked away guiltily.

    In fact, he accidentally used too much force...

    Forget it, let’s not talk about it, finding a punching bag to vent your anger is good for your health, so let Murong Bo carry this blame, anyway, he has been carrying it for more than 20 years.

    Jiang Qi: "Where's Feng'er?"

    Xiao Yuanshan touched his wife's little hand, and said casually: "I don't know, I must have gone to see that kid Duan Yu again, I was planning to catch him just now."

    "Duan Yu..." Jiang Qi frowned, thinking of Duan Yu's flirtatious temperament in the original book, he was a little worried that Feng'er would suffer. "This time I will go down the mountain with you."

    "Huh?" Xiao Yuanshan was stunned, with hesitation on his face...

    Madam is going down the mountain?

    Jiang Qi: "What? You don't want me to go? Do you have a foster girl waiting for you at the foot of the mountain, afraid that I will find out?

    " "I'm afraid that my wife will be dazzled by the colorful world outside after going down the mountain, and ignore me."

    Jiang Qi laughed: "I'm an old man and wife, don't you have any clues about how old you are, and still pretend to be pitiful?"

    " I will always be in my prime if I am physically strong! Isn't Madam the clearest!" Xiao Yuanshan hinted.

    Jiang Qi blushed and spat at him for being shameless. Every time this person lay on the bed, his waist was sore and his back ached, and he couldn't get out of bed. Although he liked it very much, he still insisted in disgust: "You should take it easy, and be careful of kidney deficiency.

    " ! ! !

    Xiao Yuanshan crouched in the corner and drew circles.

    Madam already disliked me before I went down the mountain, so when I go down the mountain, wouldn't there be no place for him? ?

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