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    "Just make it higher——"

    "Hey, be careful, hiss—lightly. Don't disturb people."

    "Don't make it too hard..."

    "Yes, I know about the little ancestor, Don't stay so far away from me..." Black Feather Pirates was sweating profusely, attacking the window wholeheartedly.

    I don't know what happened today, the window that I usually open in a while suddenly couldn't be opened.

    Heiyu Pirates, who was concentrating on fixing the windows, didn't notice that Jiang Qi hadn't spoken for a while.

    "Do you find it particularly difficult?"

    "Yeah, I can't open

    it all the time." "Hehe, I got someone to nail it to the inside of the window, of course you can't open it." "

    Yeah, well, let's go. " Did you close the window...!?" Black Feather Pirate suddenly felt something wrong, turned around vigilantly, and saw Jiang Qi's family standing behind him, looking at him like ...The appearance of tearing him into pieces...


    Jiang Qi was blocked behind the big family and gave him a helpless expression.

    Black Feather Pirate One: "..."

    Fei Yingli stood at the end, her cold eyes piercing towards him like a cold wind.

    No need to guess, it must be his cheap apprentice who sued him.

    Although the leading old man had gray hair all over his head, he was full of energy, his eyes were piercing, and his whole body was majestic. Among them, he was the most murderous.

    Heiyu Pirates got stuck in his head, and forgot all the background information of the characters he checked before, and stammered: "You are Qiqi's family, right? The heir, by the way, you are the old concubine, I have always heard my father talk about you..."

    Concubine's father's complexion improved a bit. Although he still had an expression of wanting to kill someone, it was much better than at the beginning. It turned out to be the old man's son, no wonder he looked familiar.

    Heiyu Pirates quickly took the opportunity to say: "Master Concubine, I am Qiqi's boyfriend, you can rest assured that you will hand over your grandson Qiqi to me, I will definitely treat him...better...better..." In my heart

    : Why is his face getting more and more terrifying.

    Concubine's father: "..."

    Others: "..."

    "..." Jiang Qi quickly winked at Heiyu Pirate.

    Black Feather Pirate One:? ? ?

    Jiang Qi: Stupid.

    Concubine's father with a sullen face: "...I am Xiaoqi's father."

    Heiyu Pirates: "..."

    Concubine's father: "Go out, you are not welcome here at all!

    " The eyes said it all.

    "Okay, then I'll come tomorrow, don't bully him."

    The concubine's father choked, and scolded my baby in his heart, it must be for pain and you need to talk about it! He shouted loudly: "You are not allowed to come in the future!"

    Black Feather Pirate One: "I won't come later, I will come tomorrow." "Tomorrow

    is not allowed either! I will tell your father and let your father teach you. "

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