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Jiang Qi saw Akashi Seitomi's heartbeat at a glance, and said: "Isn't this a great idea~"

Akashi Seitomi: "Yes, for the sake of your idea, I will let you break into my room Move."

Jiang Qi: "And then?"

"What then?"

Jiang Qi worried: "The candidate for a girlfriend!"

Akashi Seishi gave him a strange look, why is this person more anxious than him? "I haven't found it yet..."

"Me, me, me! What do you think of me!"

Jiang Qi proposed himself with his small chest puffed out.

Akashi Seishi glanced at his flat chest expressionlessly, "Taiping and he's a man."

Two arrows pierced Jiang Qi's chest.


He said unconvinced: "I promise to look better than them in women's clothes!!"

Akashi Seiomi's eyes fell on his face, and he had to agree in his heart.

Jiang Qi: "It's not safe to find someone outside, the asking price is expensive, unprofessional, and also, what if the women you are looking for are dependent on you and can't get rid of you?"

Akashi Zhengchen hit the nail on the head: "A few minutes ago I asked The person I keep is you."

Jiang Qi blinked his eyes innocently, as if he didn't hear what the other party said: "Well, I'm different, I'm a star, if I want to be good at acting, if I want to be obedient, I'll be obedient. You gave me resources, and I promise to complete the task!"

Akashi Seitomo thought: "Let me think about it." In the end, I still can't get over the hurdle that the other party is a man.

Jiang Qi got this sentence after saying so much, the temper of being spoiled to heaven in his previous life suddenly came out, his forehead was raised, his face was sullen, he raised his foot, kicked a huge hole in the wall, and burst into foul language : "Do you fucking agree or not!!"

"Peng--" "Wow--"

Akashi Seishi: "...!!!"

Σ(д;) Damn, what's going on! ! ! The huge exclamation mark described Akashi Seiyuki's mood at this time.

Jiang Qi: ...

Accidentally confiscated his strength, but it's okay, he's staying in the room opposite.

Akashi Seiomi turned his neck twitchingly from the corners of his eyes, staring petrified at the big hole that appeared on the wall.

Is this still human strength? ? No, no, it should be said, is this still a human being! ! !

Glancing at the young man who said 'I'm very well-behaved' and 'I'm a weak little boy begging for support', Akashi Masomi closed his eyes and held his forehead with a headache.

In other words, why is there such a big commotion but no staff came over? Should he be thankful that the sound insulation of this hotel is good...

Jiang Qi, the culprit, said that it was a threat just now, right? If he refuses again, the man in front of him will kick him to splatter his blood on the spot...


Akashi Masomi looked at the slender and delicate Jiang Qi again, and imagined that the other party was wearing a girl Pretending to be.

Masayoshi Akashi: "..."

There's nothing wrong with it.

Under the attack (threat?) of Jiang Qi's force and beauty, Jiang Qi successfully tied a long-term meal ticket.

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