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    Yu Luocha gritted his teeth fiercely, and in his heart he shredded this hippie-smiling man into pieces thousands of times, but he didn't realize that even though he was so advanced in martial arts, he could easily teach him a lesson, but he never did it all the time. Just trying to take advantage of verbal advantage.

    Jiang Qi found out, and the smile on his face became even more joyful. The folding fan lifted his chin, and said: "Hey, come back with me, motherfucker."

    Yu Luosha understood at this time that the other party must have guessed something, and said disdainfully: "You think you can take me away? Ha!" After speaking, he turned around and left, very chic, as if he was sure that the other party would not pester him any more. In my heart, I was thinking about how to deal with the other party smoothly next time.

    "Hey~don't go~" Jiang Qi suddenly stretched his right hand forward, wrapped around Yu Luocha's waist with one hand, and brought him into his arms. Although his height is a little shorter than that of the young man, he has a head on his aura, so that he doesn't look nondescript, but the picture is harmonious.

    Yu Luocha felt the warmth coming from his back, his body froze, and the next moment, his whole body exploded like a frightened animal, "Damn pervert! What are you doing?!" Jiang

    Qi: "Take away my newly bought The "maid" here~"

    "Get lost! I'm not!"

    Jiang Qi: "It doesn't matter if you say it's a man~"

    Yu Luosha was inexplicably irritable and unhappy, this person's tone was so frivolous, did he treat other people as well? Live like this? !

    "I'm not selling myself!"

    "I bought everything, isn't it too late to say this?"

    The last word "um" hummed from the tip of his nose, it sounded too sexy, Yu Luocha's ears The roots are red.

    "You didn't sign the deed of sale, so can you still grab me and take me away?"

    "It's true." Jiang Qi nodded, then let go and put his arm around his waist, and said, "You Let's go."

    Yu Luocha:? ? ?

    Just let him go? ?

    Yu Luocha turned his head and glanced at him cautiously, but didn't see any other changes on that smiling face. He tentatively took two steps forward. After making sure that the other party was not playing tricks, he suddenly accelerated and ran forward, as if he was behind. There was a dog chasing him, and soon disappeared at the end.

    Jiang Qi swiped open the folding fan and said with a smile: "Little thing with no conscience, just take the money and run away."

    What? You said only one or two? Hehe, isn't one tael money? ! One tael is enough for ordinary people to eat for a month!

    Feeling that he ran a long way, after confirming that Jiang Qi could not catch up and find him, Yu Luocha finally relaxed.

    "Hey, why are you back?" The old man gloated and leaned against the wall.

    When Yu Luocha saw him, he couldn't get angry: "Stinky old man, you actually teamed up with that person to cheat me!"

    The old man happily shook the wine, and laughed: "It's not easy to meet Jiang I can hold your character, how can I not cooperate."

    "He held me? Huh, that pervert!"

    The old man looked him up and down, saw that he was dressed in women's clothes, and the corner of his mouth twitched, "Who are you two? Not necessarily more perverted."

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