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    Nu Liang Hua Piao has a terrible headache, but he can't do anything about this drunk, and all his men have already run away, so now he is the only one who can help.

    "Hey, get up." Nuliang Huapiao knelt down and poked Jiang Qi's little face with his fingers.

    Jiang Qi suddenly wrinkled his face into a bun, ahhh he was about to bite his finger, so scared that Nu Liang Hua Piao quickly retracted it.

    This guy likes to eat Yang Qi so much, not to mention he is drunk and has no handle on his mouth, so what if he bites his finger off in one go.

    "I really owed you in my previous life."

    Nuliang Huaipiao hugged Jiang Qi, let his head rest on his chest, Jiang Qi's fragrance came from the tip of his nose, the familiar feeling made the man distracted for a while, since just now The mood that started to be irritated inexplicably settled down.


    The first ray of sunlight in the morning shines through the window, mischievously shining on the two people who are embracing on the tatami mat, Nura moved his eyes, opened them suddenly, another breath came out of the room and made him Be vigilant. However, he didn't expect to see Jiang Qi's harmless sleeping face when he opened his eyes.

    Nuliang Huapiao: "..."

    Consciousness gradually came back, and he remembered that last night... No, he went back to his room to sleep last night! So what happened to the youth in his arms now? ?

    There was still a trace of crystal at the corner of Jiang Qi's mouth, and his exquisite little face was pink, and I don't know if it was because he was drunk last night.

    Such a cute and cute appearance directly touched the softness in Nuliang Huapiao's heart, and he couldn't help pinching her.

    Well, it feels better than expected.

    Jiang Qi frowned with two beautiful eyebrows, and muttered in dissatisfaction. Nuliang Huapiao listened closer and smiled.

    "Don't let Yang Qi run to your face, quickly come to my mouth~"

    Huo, how persistent this guy is.

    Maybe because he felt that someone was laughing at him in his heart, Jiang Qi woke up and opened his eyes, seeing a man exuding a good smell, Jiang Qi couldn't help swallowing, his eyes were fixed on his mouth , "Yang Qi... Bah, good morning Huapiao~(?>?<)☆"

    Nuliang Huapiao: Don't think that just because you pretend to be nonchalant doesn't mean what you just called me.

    "Why are you in my room?"

    Hearing this, Jiang Qi moved his eyes away from his mouth with difficulty, and pointed at his fingers guiltily, "Ah, what... I'm cold at night..."

    Nuliang Huapiao: ▼ .▼I believe in your evil!

    A ghost afraid of the cold?

    Jiang Qi was already thin-skinned, and under Nuliang Huapiao's eyes, he boldly kissed him while he was not paying attention, and then immediately turned into a ten-centimeter villain, floating on his head with a blushing face, I also made a nest in a good mood.

    Look like I just did this, what can you do to me?

    Nuliang Huapiao: "..."

    He really couldn't do anything with the other party.

    After tidying himself up briefly, he changed his clothes under the eyes of the little man Jiang Qi with hot eyes, and walked out against him.

    Jiang Qi looked down at his soft belly, squeezed it, and then thought of Nuliang's smooth and well-defined abdominal muscles just now, enviously said: "I didn't expect you to be a monster with abdominal muscles!" Nu

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