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    In the middle of the night, in the middle of the night, the Black Feather Bandit who sneaked in sneaked in through the window. With light steps, he looked around the room, but saw no one, only the sound of water coming from the bathroom.

    An inexplicable smile appeared on Heiyu Pirate's face, blushing in thought. It was not in vain that he took a special time to come here, and he was taking a shower.

    Don't get me wrong, he didn't think about doing something embarrassing, what he thought was that he could blow Jiang Qi's hair again. Maybe when Jiang Qi fell asleep, he could still steal a kiss like last time.

    ↑A man who is addicted to blowing hair.

    The sound of water in the bathroom stopped, followed by a slight rubbing sound. The man quickly hid in a corner to hide his figure. After a while, there was a sound of opening the bathroom door, and Jiang Qi came out naked.

    The man in the dark suddenly covered his nose, his eyes widened: "!!!!"

    Fuck, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah

    . , but his eyes are honestly staring straight at the beautiful scenery in front of him...


    Suddenly, Black Feather Robber's eyes fell between Jiang Qi's legs, he couldn't control his breathing for a moment, and made a sound when he touched something at hand.

    Jiang Qi's body froze, and he quickly grabbed the towel to cover his lower body, and looked at the place where the sound came from like a torch.

    Black Feather Robber scratched the back of his head and walked out of the dark corner with a smirk.

    Jiang Qi paused for a moment, then said hesitantly: "Mr. Thief?"

    Black Feather Pirate nodded quickly.

    Jiang Qi sneered: "Mr. Thief, should I call you Mingtuo or Thief?"

    Heiyu Pirate looked back innocently: "Neither of them. I am kld."

    Jiang Qi tilted his head, as if thinking of something: " Kid? Phantom Thief Kid? Pfft, he's still a thief." He shrugged: "However, Mr. Thief, you came to the wrong place. There is nothing you want to steal here."

    That's right, what I want to steal is you. Black Feather Pirate retorted wholeheartedly. Seeing the other party's wet hair from the corner of the eye, his eyes lit up: "Do you need me to wipe your hair for you?"

    Jiang Qi froze for a moment, then nodded.

    Humming buzzing...

    In the huge room, there was only the buzzing sound of the hair dryer. Heiyu Pirates caressed Wusi easily, and for the first time felt that he was actually a hair control, like a pervert.

    He was blowing seriously, when he suddenly heard Jiang Qi say something. "Hey, Mr. Thief, do you want to be a friend with benefits."

    Heiyu Pirate One: "..."

    Friend with benefits? ? ?

    The hair dryer must be too loud and he misheard.

    However, Jiang Qi's next move directly broke his self-deception.

    Jiang Qi reached out and grabbed the hair dryer, turned it off and put it aside, pushed him back on the bed forcefully, and straddled him by himself.

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