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    The lights are feasting, the sound of loud music frightens the ears, men and women dance wildly in the middle of the dance floor, body to body, some people don't care if they are eaten tofu and their buttocks are touched.

    The Demon King frowned subconsciously, his first reaction was that he didn't like this place.

    What did Jiang Qi bring him here for? Don't want to play games?

    "Didn't you look at the brightly lit billboards in this place and wanted to come here? Now that you're here, you can go and play. Of course, you can also find someone to play the morning game with you." Jiang Qi said, casually Find a quiet place at the bar to sit down. "Please bring me a cup of tea, thank you."

    The waiter looked up at him strangely when he heard the words. He had seen people who came to the bar to drink, and some people asked for juice drinks and plain water, but he had never met anyone who asked for tea... Weird

    look After seeing Jiang Qi's face, he disappeared immediately, and subconsciously puffed out his chest, and the words that were originally going to say "No" became: "Okay sir, please wait a moment." You are good-looking, and you can say

    anything !

    The Demon King gritted his teeth fiercely as he stared at Jiang Qi, who kept attracting bees and butterflies.

    He was wrong, he was really wrong, he shouldn't listen to this human being! If he knew that others would covet his property all the time, he should have locked Jiang Qi in the room and wouldn't let him out! Forget it, he is now heartbroken.

    "Hello, handsome guy, let's have a drink~"

    A nervous female voice came from behind him.

    This is a beautiful woman with big breasts, slender waist and upturned buttocks, oval face and watery eyes. She is clearly dressed in revealing clothes but she looks pure. She is not inferior to the maids in the devil world. Among the people he has seen, probably Only the human Jiang Qi can compare with her. The Demon King took another look at her. It's not because she is good-looking, but because the tear mole at the corner of her eye is the same as Jiang Qi's.

    The Demon King is indeed an emotional idiot sometimes, but it doesn't mean he doesn't understand anything. He has lived for tens of thousands of years and has seen a lot of such things in the Demon Realm. Apart from not knowing what to do between husband and wife, the rest of his heart is the same as Like a mirror. As for why he was confused and naive towards Shang Jiangqi...

    probably only he knows.

    The woman is very confident in her appearance, and countless people have chased her since she was a child. Today, she was just pulled by a friend to play in the bar for a while, but unexpectedly, she discovered a superb product.

    "Since you don't speak, I will treat it as your acquiescence. Let's go, my friend is over there." The woman smiled happily, her small face became more pure and beautiful, and the men around her were almost jealous. The Demon King, if it was someone else, would have been so fascinated by him long ago.

    However, it turns out that even the big devil who even Jiang Qi hates will not give her face. "No, don't bother me." The Demon King avoided it in disgust. The pungent smell is not as pleasant as that of Jiang Qi, and I have to keep an eye on the male creatures to prevent them from getting close to Jiang Qi!

    Whoops, that human being, take another step forward and try! Fuck! Jiang Qi, you actually chatted with him! ! The demon king's eyes widened in disbelief, and his heart felt sour as if he had overturned his old age and turned into jealousy.

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