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    Ouyang Jin wrote eight on the left, and hexagram on the right: "Who, tell me who she is!"

    Ouyang Feng blushed, "It's Jiang Qi..."

    "Pfft——" Ouyang Jin almost choked on his own saliva Death, "Ahem, you mean that little beggar??"


    "What did he say?"

    Ouyang Feng pursed his lips, obviously embarrassed: "He said he wanted to be my child bride... "

    Ouyang Jin: I'll go, it's all right? ?


    If he is not blind, Jiang Qi is a cute blue boy! ? Could it be because Jiang Qi was too young and his chest was so flat that he didn't see it? ?

    Having been brainwashed by Ouyang Ke in the original book, it is very certain that Ouyang Feng has a son, so Ouyang Jin, who is a straight man, rubs his chin and thinks about Jiang Qi's appearance.

    Hey, well, the facial features seem to be too small and delicate. Σ(っ°Д °;)っ

    Wait a minute!

    Judging by the attitude of my brother, it seems that he has a different feeling for Jiang Qi... By the way, if Ouyang Feng also likes Jiang Qi in the original book, then what if Ouyang Feng has an affair with his brother-in-law? ? Could it be...

    Jiang Qi is Ouyang Jin's wife in the original book? That is my daughter-in-law? ? Σ(дlll)

    No wonder he would give pastries to a little beggar for no reason! ! All of this was originally a sinful fate? ! The elder brother, who was stunned by his brain power, was so frightened that he hugged his paw tightly.

    Ouyang Feng's bony fingers rubbed against the rim of the teacup, as if he had already made up his mind but still wanted to hear other people's opinions: "Brother, do you think I should agree to him?"

    Ouyang Jin quickly said before he was caught in it: "Agreed! Hurry up and agree! Don't give up this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity just because the other party is flat-chested! Now he is still young, so he can't tell, maybe They will develop normally when they grow up!"

    Although Ouyang Feng didn't understand what the elder brother said, but he did understand one thing, that is to take Jiang Qi down while he was still young, otherwise Maybe one day in the future, the other party will see someone else?

    "Brother, you are right!"

    Ouyang Jin showed a fatherly smile: "Who told me to be your big brother? Listen to your big brother, you must be right.

    " Beside, the man wearing the bamboo hat finally couldn't help laughing. His ears were sharp, and Ouyang Jin and the others didn't hide it, so they could hear their conversation clearly. At first, they only thought it was funny. After all, they You can tell at a glance that it is not easy to provoke, but you actually tease a beggar. Then he couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard the conversation between the brothers behind him.

    The old man in Tsing Yi was surprised, it was the first time he saw the young master smiling so happily.

    The corners of Ouyang Jin's eyes twitched. He forgot that there are martial arts masters who don't look like martial arts masters in this place. The eldest brother who always pays attention to his image in front of outsiders only felt a dull pain in his stomach. He said politely to them: "Let the two I laughed at you."

    The person with the bamboo hat: "Haha, very interesting."

    Interesting sister! (╯‵ ′)╯︵┴─┴Mandarin

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