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    Jiang Qi excitedly sat down next to Hatake Sakumo, staring at him expectantly.

    Hatake Sakumo: "???"

    Jiang Qi put his hands on his knees solemnly, looking up at him: looking forward to it. ★v★

    The young man's eyes are big and bright, his shadow is reflected in the black eyes, Hatake Sakumo is a little impressed by his cute appearance, he shakes the wine glass in his hand: "Can you drink?"

    Jiang Qi glanced quickly, then quickly moved away. Blushing: "I..."

    Zilai also teased: "Kids don't know how to drink, so don't embarrass other kids, Bai Ya!" The three words "kid" were very emphatic.

    Jiang Qi suddenly puffed up his cheeks, and said angrily: "Who said I can't do it!"

    After speaking, taking advantage of Hatake Sakumo's unpreparedness, he took the wine glass in his hand, pointed it to his lips and drank it all at once.

    "Hiss~ It's so hot!"

    Jiang Qi's eyeballs were filled with water, and he stuck out his little pink tongue to cool it down, looking very pitiful.

    Hatake Sakumo was still stunned that Jiang Qi was using his cup, seeing the wronged and pitiful look of the young man, he gave Jiraiya a look of expression.

    Jiraiya: "..." What are you looking at me for? I didn't know the opponent was so strong.

    Hatake Sakumo asked the boss to bring a glass of ice water, "Drink some ice water, but you can't drink too much at night, or you will have a stomachache.

    " Dilute the spiciness in your mouth and squint your eyes comfortably.

    He had never seen such a side of Hatake Sakumo before, and the corner of his mouth twitched: "...Bai Ya, I suddenly feel like you are an old lady.

    " It gave him a feeling that he needed to take care of him at any time, probably because the other party seemed very young?


    Jiang Qi suddenly made a gap, and quickly covered his mouth, revealing eyes that were at a loss, very cute.

    Hatake Sakumo looked away, picked up the cup and took a sip of water.

    Jiang Qi glanced at them embarrassingly: "Well, the book I gave you... have you read it?

    " complexion.

    Jiraiya also looked confused: "...!"

    "Sakumo Hatake—!!"

    "Puff cough cough, I'm sorry, Lord Ziraiya." Sakumo Hatake apologized earnestly, he was really a little bit offended just now The young man was frightened, afraid that the other party would tell what he wrote in full view.

    Zilai is not someone who cares about such small things, so he laughed and said it's okay: "If you really feel sorry, you can just talk about the content of the novel he wrote! I am even more excited to make you who have always kept your face so excited. I'm curious."

    Hatake Sakumo: "...I think it's better for you not to know, Mr. Jiraiya."

    Jiraiya: "???"

    This is the second time Bai Fang refused him to read the content of the novel, why? Do, more and more curious.

    Jiang Qi's eyes were shining brightly. If he had a tail behind him, he would have shaken him flatteringly: "How is my writing!"

    Sakumo Hatake couldn't say a word: "...ah, the writing is not bad..." More than

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