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    The heroic young man walked past the rich man calmly, and took off the money bag with his fingers nimbly when he accidentally touched it. Everything went well, the boy stepped into a corner, smiled and took out the money bag and turned it upside down.

    Got it √Then

    he opened it and

    saw another money bag appeared in the money bag, took out the money bag and opened it, and there was another smaller money bag, and opened it again, it was an even smaller money bag——

    The smile on the boy's face gradually froze. After taking out several money bags in a row, he took out a one-two silver bill from the innermost small money bag, and a note was placed under the silver bill.

    ——Mr. Thief, this is for you (^_^)

    "...Damn it, I was tricked!" The boy squeezed the note in his hand with gritted teeth, and stared at the bank note. This is the evidence of his failure and shame. .

    The old man appeared behind him at some point, took a leisurely sip of his wine, and said in a gloating tone, "Hey brat, have you met an opponent?

    " In a blink of an eye, "Old man, go, do me a favor!"

    "Hey wait, you brat, run slowly, this old man can't stand your toss!"

    After a while, not far from Jiang Qi , A "girl" who sold herself to bury her father suddenly appeared. "Girl" in grades of seventeen or eighteen, dressed in white, with pear blossoms and rain on her fair face.

    Its hands are like catkins, its skin is like creamy fat, its collar is like a grub, its teeth are like gourd rhinoceros, its head is like a moth's eyebrows. The crescent eyebrows are lightly swept and powdered, and the vermilion lips are a little infatuated.

    In front of him was the corpse of an old man firmly covered by a straw mat.

    There were already many people around her, and many young masters made a big move after seeing her appearance.

    When the "girl" was wiping the teardrops, the young man who was walking towards this side squinted out of the corner of her eye, crying even more "delicately".

    Jiang Qi, who was walking this way, paused, feeling a little doubtful in his heart, did Lao Gong become weaker in this world? No longer the eight-foot guy he likes? _(:з"∠)

    _Almost as soon as Jiang Qi appeared in front of the "girl", the girl immediately pretended to get up, but because of her frail body, she threw herself forward and fell on Jiang Qi.

    A pair of affectionate Qiushui wanted to refuse: "Young master, you can just buy the slave's house~"

    Jiang Qi was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled, stretched out his hand behind his skirt, and touched the position of his buttocks.

    The "girl" trembled all over, and her entire face turned black where he couldn't see it.

    The fan frivolously lifted "her"'s chin, and suddenly let out a light snort, the girl was a little nervous, although he was very confident in his disguise and bone shrinking skills, but what if it happened?

    Jiang Qi said with a smile: "Looking at it this way, I can see that you are different from those coquettish sluts outside, um, your butt is quite upturned."

    The girl gritted her teeth twice.

    "What's your name?"

    "Xiaoyu from my slave family."

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