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    "Don't be kidding, you must be Ace's brother!" Marco, who was obviously suspicious before, said so firmly.

    "Yes, Ace, when did you have a brother?"

    "Another son of One Piece?"

    ↑A group of people who deceive themselves and think they know the truth.

    Ace clenched his fists and stared at the young man's face. Except that the young man looked a little taller and thinner than him, his facial features were not as rough as his, and he was a little older than him. Everything else was exactly the same as him! Coupled with the fact that young people usually know him so well—

    the answer is ready to come out.

    Ace: "You..."

    The young man nodded with a smile.

    Ace showed eight teeth: "So you have been protecting my brother in the dark!"

    The young man: "..."

    No, no, I was definitely not so stupid before! Shocked Face.jpg.

    "I'm the future you, idiot, idiot! I don't want to admit that I was so stupid before!" Young Ace couldn't bear it anymore and slapped the young Ace on the head.

    The young man covered his head, squatted down with grinning teeth, and said in disbelief, "Who would think so much! Obviously that person has a son who is much more reliable than you as the future me!" "

    Hmph !"

    The young Ace also understood this truth, looking at the pirates who were still in disbelief, he suddenly smiled Jiang Qi and said, "Marco once killed the flowers that Dad carefully raised, and even framed them to blame. Give it to Joz..."

    Marko: "!!"

    Joz was furious: "Marco!! It was you! I was punished by my father for a whole week, and I will beat you to death!"

    "Saqi once went to see his old lover, but he forgot to bring money and was kicked out..."

    "Pfft—" Everyone covered their mouths and laughed.

    Sach blushed, and immediately went to cover the mouth of the young Ace who was about to say more. "Don't talk about this kind of thing!"

    "You say you are the future Ace, and it doesn't count if you say we are a secret. If you have the ability, you can tell a few things about yourself!"

    This proposal was approved by everyone present.     The corner of young Ace's mouth curled up, and he said in unison with the young Ace who was

    coldly snorting next to him: "I don't have that kind of shady secret!"

Look at the smile, the sunny smile is exactly the same.

    "...Well, I believe he is also Ace." This hidden narcissistic character is also gone.




    After knowing that the young man is Ace, he and everyone quickly got into a ball. During the period, some people asked Ace what they would be like in the future, but Ace was not the real one. In the sense of the future, he in this world has long since died, so of course he will not know what will happen to them in the end.

    So in the end, Ace rejected all of them on the grounds that he knew what would happen to him in the future, and what was so exciting about his life.

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