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    Kaito Kuroba crossed his legs and looked like a social brother, staring at Shinichi Kudo viciously, trying to kill him with his fierce eyes.

    However, with his five short stature, he looks like a social brother, without any momentum.

    Kudo Shinichi: "I said I have a father, hey! My mother doesn't know your father, hey, you think too much. Hey (╯‵ ′)╯︵┴─┴" Kuroba Kaito mocked:

    " Heh, who knows." You still want to fool such a witty person as me, I am so smart, I won't believe your one-sided words!" Anyway, I have notified my mother, he will be here soon, and you will explain when the time comes Let's go!"

    Kudo Shinichi: "..."

    White Horse Tan: ... Am I joking too much??? I forgot that Kaito Kuroba's brain may be...not the brain he used to be!!

    Jiang Qi this Bian just finished the battle, his whole body was sore, a man who was full of food and drink carefully took out his things. He massaged his body flatteringly to relieve the soreness on his body.

    Heiyu Pirates had learned the massage method specially, and it was not heavy or heavy. It's so light and comfortable, it makes Jiang Qi drowsy.

    Jiang Qi's eyelashes are long and thick, and there is a three-point smile on the corner of his mouth. His fingers are trembling slightly, and the itching at the tip of his heart is so cute no matter how he looks in the eyes of a man. He liked it. So he couldn't hold back and pecked his soft lips a few times.

    When the atmosphere was harmonious, Jiang Qi was woken up by a call from Kaito Kuroba, and then he was informed that Pirate Kuroba was stealing food outside. He didn’t wipe his mouth clean and left something behind.

    To put it simply, Kuroba Pirates cheated outside, and Kuroba Kaito found the evidence to let him go quickly. He

    opened the hands-free, not only Jiang Qi heard it, but the behind-the-scenes Someone heard it too.

    So Black Feather Pirate's entire face turned green, you brat, I don't care about you when you are usually noisy, but now you are talking nonsense in front of your mother!

    Jiang Qi also thought it was a bit absurd, didn't he know if Heiyu Pirates ate something outside? The map is in hand 24 hours a day, and I usually step on the commute at work, and when I get home, I stick to him and can't tear it off. Where does the time come from to cheat?

    But does this plot sound a little familiar?

    ↑Your son did the same in the past few worlds.

    Heiyu Pirates promised again and again, seeing that Xiaoqi really didn't believe in his son, his whole heart fell to the ground, and then he gritted his teeth: "I want to go too, I want to see what the evidence of my cheating is!" Jiang

    Qi Moved his legs, raised his head pitifully: "You hug me."

    Heiyu Pirate's face softened in an instant, and his face suddenly flushed. Xiaoqi's being so straightforward really made him a little embarrassed, and said softly: "Xiao Qi, we're going to get down to business, and I'll hug you when I'm done..."

    Jiang Qi pinched his face twitchingly, "Old man, all he can think about is something in his mind all day long. What a mess—"

    Heiyu Pirates finally realized Jiang Qi's meaning, coughed awkwardly, and picked him up to divert his attention when he was not paying attention, but he forgot that Jiang Qi had just passed by During the war, the clothes had already been sacrificed heroically, and were pitifully thrown in the corner. Then the beautiful naked body was suddenly exposed to the man's sight.

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