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    After drinking a cup of hot tea, Ouyang Jin, who hadn't been back for nearly ten years, looked at the main hall. Compared with the original, the layout of the main hall is obviously different. It seems that it should be reorganized, but it looks better than the original .


    "Why are you sighing?" Jiang Qi asked with lowered eyes. His slender fingers were placed on the table, and his lavender clothes made him look more graceful and dignified. His smooth hair was untied and was loosely draped behind him, revealing his fair neck. The corners of his peach-blossom eyes were slightly raised. Add sultry style.

    Ouyang Jin took a breath, and then turned his head. Looking at it further, he was afraid that he would let his old lie down.

    "I haven't seen you in the past ten years, but my sister-in-law hasn't changed at all!"

    No, it has changed, it has become even more seductive! No wonder his younger brother wanted to hide Jiang Qi from the village!

    By the way, my sister-in-law is also in her 40s! ? That's not what the man's forty-one flowers said! ! At least he couldn’t bear to look in the mirror every morning... _(:з」∠)_

    Jiang Qi nodded slightly, and said with a chuckle: "The elder brother has not changed, the owner of the villa is not in the villa during this time, I am afraid that the elder brother will have to wait for a few more days Ouyang

    Jin: "I didn't come to look for him."

    Jiang Qi hesitated, and then said: "Ke'er also went down the mountain with his father."

    Ouyang Jin became anxious: "Oh! I didn't come to look for them! I I came here specifically to look for you!"

    "Looking for me?" Jiang Qiye raised his eyebrows slightly, and took a sip of tea: "I have something to look for."

    Ouyang Jin suddenly turned his head and said mysteriously: "Sister-in-law, Do you know why my brother and my nephew went down the mountain?"

    "I don't know."

    Ouyang Jin slapped his thigh suddenly, and said, "You don't know!! Let me tell you, my brother gave my nephew My son has gone to propose marriage!"

    Jiang Qi: "Oh? Which lady is it?"

    Ouyang Jin sighed and said, "It's Huang Rong, the daughter of Huang Yaoshi, the owner of Peach Blossom Island! I also heard that my brother is going to propose marriage to Ouyang Ke's nephew, so I hurried to remind you!" "Remind me? There is something wrong with Huang

    Rong Where?"

    Ouyang Jin complained in his heart, isn't it right? Not only is it wrong, your son's life is gone! ! If it wasn't for the fact that Ouyang Feng is his younger brother and Ouyang Ke is his nephew, he wouldn't pour this muddy water. He couldn't figure it out, the plot of the older generation had been lost somewhere by him, why the plot of the younger generation was still following the original? Is the plot really irreversible?

    Before coming here, he also persuaded Ouyang Feng and Ouyang Ke, but they didn't know what to think. The latter insisted on marrying Huang Rong, but the former also indulged him, making him so angry that his heart ached, and then ran away I came to the White Camel Villa to find help.

    He didn't believe it. With the character of the two of them, one was afraid of his wife and the other was afraid of his mother, would the sister-in-law not listen?

    Ouyang Jin said directly: "The one Huang Rong has a sweetheart for is Guo Jing. His master is Jiangnan Seven Monsters and Hong Qigong. That kid is simple and honest. No wonder Huang Rong likes him. It's just that Huang Rong has been weird and smart since she was a child. I'm afraid that my nephew will suffer if he falls into her hands..."

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