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    Jiang Qi sat cross-legged on the deck of the carriage, the brown horse was grazing on the side, his chin was supported by his right hand, and a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes kept looking in one direction.

    Didn't I just go to get some water, why haven't I come back yet.

    At this moment, the sound of rustling footsteps came, and then a handsome man in green clothes came into view. The man was holding a sword in one hand, and a dead rabbit in the other hand. Ground water sac.

    "Brother Song, you're back~" Jiang Qi's eyes lit up all of a sudden, he jumped off the carriage happily, and strode to Song Yuanqiao to circle around.

    The corner of Song Yuanqiao's mouth raised more than a little, he raised the dead rabbit, and said, "I'm sorry, I met a rabbit on the road, and it took me a while to deal with it." Jiang Qi took a closer look, only to find that the rabbit had already been dealt

    with , peeled off. It was only because Song Yuanqiao didn't throw away the fur and was carried together with the rabbit, so it looked like a newly dead rabbit from a distance.

    Jiang Qi subconsciously opened his mouth and said: "Tutu is so cute, why do you eat it."

    Song Yuanqiao didn't hear clearly, "What?"

    "Pfft." Jiang Qi smiled, "It's nothing, I just remembered a story from the past. By the way, what do you want this rabbit fur for?"

    Song Yuanqiao heard that he didn't want to talk, so he stopped asking, and said along with his words: "There are still about three days to arrive in Wudang, and there are many snakes, insects, rats and ants on the road, so I just thought about it." Make them to cover your hands."

    Jiang Qi: Oh~ Gloves, I understand.

    Jiang Qi didn't expect a man to be able to do this skill, so he opened his eyes curiously the whole time, exclaiming in admiration from time to time, seeing Song Yuanqiao who didn't think much at first, quietly raised his vanity, and felt that his image suddenly became taller.

    No, it can't be like this. Song Yuanqiao thought sweetly and distressedly, he must restrain his abilities, otherwise he would be too good, and Jiang Qi would admire him even more and couldn't do without him. He was still waiting for Jiang Qi to figure it out.

    Jiang Qi looked at him inexplicably, working harder, exuding masculine charm all over his body, commonly known as a man with excessive hormones.

    It's strange, how come it's like getting chicken blood.

    The rabbit skin was still drying, and it would probably be ready tomorrow, Jiang Qi took the initiative to find some firewood to pile together, showing that he is not a simple person.

    The hare was roasted. Fortunately, Jiang Qi expected that he might sleep in the open on the road and eat some game, so he brought some salt and sprinkled some salt on the surface of the golden-roasted rabbit. Jiang Qi sat on the stone pier obediently, Looking at the rabbit without blinking, the longing inside is almost overflowing.

    Song Yuanqiao saw that it was funny, but he didn't dislike being hot. He tore off a piece of rabbit meat and put it near his mouth. He was not afraid of being hot, which didn't mean Jiang Qi wasn't afraid. Accidentally touched the man's finger, Song Yuanqiao's heart felt hot, he only felt that his fingertips were extremely hot, and Xiaoqiao also began to wake up.

    Unnaturally moving his body, using the hem of his clothes to cover the bottom, Song Yuanqiao tore up more than half of the rabbit meat and handed it to Jiang Qi, "You take it and eat it."

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