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    Jiang Qimu looked at the white space in front of him with a sullen face, wondering how he got here.

    Obviously he remembered that he was just sleeping on the bed, how could he suddenly appear here.

    Hmm... Is he dreaming? Jiang Qi stretched out two fingers and pinched the soft flesh on his arm.

    ——Tear, it hurts (っc).

    [It's not a dream. 】

    Yes, no...Huh? Who is speaking?

    Surprise appeared on Jiang Qi's expressionless face, his small mouth was slightly opened, his eyes blinked in bewilderment, and his exquisite face was full of bewilderment.

    [Hi host, I am your system 001. 】A mechanical sound composed of an electronic sound resounded in the white space.

    Jiang Qi: "So I've time-traveled?"

    [Yes. 】

    "Oh." Jiang Qi is usually an otaku, and he has read a lot of novels by system time travel. So I am very familiar with this routine.

    Jiang Qi's face was flat, but his heart was full of tears. He just wanted to stay at home and wait for death! (Pounding the ground)

    "... You are looking for the host to complete the task, right?"

    [Yes. ] 001 is a little puzzled. It clearly detects that this person's intelligence is at the level of a normal person. How could he know to do the task?

    Poor 001 from the future doesn't know that there are ancient books in this world called novels!

    The hunch was confirmed again, Jiang Qi calmed down and asked, "I just want to know how many missions are there?"

    [There is only one mission. 】

    Jiang Qi felt relieved, but before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he was taken aback by what 001 said next.

    [More than one world. 】

    Jiang Qi hung in his throat and couldn't get up or down, and his whole body collapsed.

    Jiang Qi: "Can I not accept it?"

    [If you don't accept it, destroy the host. 】

    Jiang Qi breathed a sigh of relief, and said indifferently: "Then destroy it!" Compared to being watched by others, he is more accepting of being destroyed.


    001 thinks it may not be clear.

    [The host should think about it clearly, if the soul is destroyed, there will be no chance of reincarnation in the next life. ]

    "Oh, it doesn't matter."


    001 is distressed, it can only choose one host, but what if the host doesn't cooperate? Not even afraid of destruction! That is the most terrifying and severe punishment, for example, it is scared to death.

    【... Whatever the host wishes, 001 can help you realize it. ]

    Jiang Qi's eyes lit up, but then dimmed.

    Seeing this, 001 continued to seduce: [Does the host really have no desire? 】

    Jiang Qi said shyly: "I want to find a man with good looks, good physical strength, and good skills..." It is

    best to be the one who can stick to him all the time and prevent others from looking at him for more than a minute.

    Because of his good looks, he was clever and was never kidnapped by a pervert when he was a child, but he was often stared at by others, commonly known as adultery. That's why he stayed at home and didn't want to go outside, so he did a squat at home. Fortunately, the family has a big business and many brothers. His father and stepmother don't lack money to support him, so they usually treat him as an invisible person.

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