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    The scene of the two loving each other not only envied others, but also made some people who harbored evil intentions rest their minds, and it also made the women who just came here feel jealous and resentful.

    "Cousin..." The woman was wearing a small round cap and a navy blue gown, her palm-sized face was wet with tears, and she looked at Xiao Yuanshan, still wanting to speak. She is clearly dressed in a heroic and valiant manner, but she pretends to be delicate and contrived, and her imitation of Dongshi makes people look awkward.

    But with her delicate face, other people can't see anything wrong at all, they just feel that Miss Biao's appearance makes people feel distressed.

    There was something wrong with the eyes of many attendants looking at Jiang Qi, like a vicious female partner who broke up a lover and came to bully Miss Biao.

    There was a smile on Jiang Qi's face all the time, but his fingers calmly pinched a piece of meat on Xiao Yuanshan's waist and rotated it 360 degrees. Xiao Yuanshan's face changed suddenly, and his gentle expression suddenly became serious: "Xiao Ya, why are you here Already?"

    Xiao Ya is his uncle's daughter, his parents passed away early, his uncle took care of him for a while when he was young, until he went to Shaolin to learn martial arts, he lost contact with him, and didn't meet until he returned to Liao Kingdom. For his uncle's sake, he usually took more care of this cousin. Unexpectedly, the other party had a different thought about him. He has someone in his heart, so of course it is impossible to accept her, and he usually treats her as his younger sister without even thinking about it.

    Xiao Ya said softly: "It's not that I haven't seen my cousin for a few days, so I came to see my cousin... and my sister-in-law."

    Xiao Yuanshan felt someone's small hand on his waist turn 360 degrees several times, and quickly took the time to say goodbye to his lover. Showing a begging expression, holding the other person's little hand in his, pampering and helpless: "It doesn't matter if I have rough skin and thick flesh, what should I do if it hurts your hand?" Jiang Qi's eyes were faintly bright

    red , smiled softly in his ear: "I don't mind, I want the big one~"

    Xiao Yuanshan was stunned for a moment, and the next moment he suddenly realized what the other party said, his cheeks turned red all of a sudden "coaxing—" . Looking at Jiang Qi with four eyes, it seemed that he wanted to eat his life.

    "Cousin~?...Cousin!!!" Xiao Ya simply hated Jiang Qi to death, seeing her cousin completely ignoring her existence and flirting with Jiang Qi, she felt so sick that she wanted to vomit blood.

    "Ah? Why are you still here?" Xiao Yuanshan replied subconsciously.

    Xiao Ya: "..."

    People around: "..."

    Jiang Qi: "Pfft!" This man is so cute.

    Xiao Ya burst into tears, "Could it be...Could it be that my cousin dislikes me...Obviously...Obviously you weren't like this before..." The underlying meaning of

    this misleading words is that Xiao Yuanshan is forgetful However, if Jiang Qi was really the newlywed wife who just married Xiao Yuanshan and didn't understand anything, he would have misunderstood her a long time ago.

    The straight-hearted Xiao Yuanshan always felt that her words were weird, before he could figure it out, he felt a sudden pain in his waist, and looked down, his little wife was looking at him with a smile, it looked good cough...

    Xiao Yuanshan resisted the thought of kissing his little wife in public, and said to Xiao Ya: "You are not young anymore, you should find someone to marry. In the future, don't always come here when you have something to do. It's not good to spread the word." Xiao Ya said:

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