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    In the parking lot, Atobubuchi hugged him and put him in the co-pilot, and he also got into the car. Seeing Jiang Qi frowning in pain, he also felt uncomfortable, "Xiao Qi? Hold on, I'll take you to the hospital right away." Nervously, even my uncle forgot to mention it.

    Jiang Qi muttered, "It's so embarrassing, I don't want to go to the hospital."     Atobubuchi: "

    'Then, then I'll take you to take a cold shower."

    Indifference?! In a word, you can’t get in!

    Atobubuchi: “!!”

    Jiang Qi’s already hot mind became even more irritated: “If you don’t get in, I’ll get in!”

    After speaking, he leaned forward.

    I tip-tip-

    who the hell sent the seat belt! (□′) ┴─┴

    "Pfft." Finally recovered, Atobubuchi was teased by him, hugged his stamina, and licked off the oil stains on his lips, Jiang Qi blinked his eyes , Seeing the oil stains on the opponent's suit, he realized that his hands and mouth hadn't been wiped.

    After the kiss was over, Jiang Qi twisted even more, and Jibuyuan also swelled up a big bag.

    "Hey, it's not suitable here." He stepped on the accelerator, and the car drove out. Jiang Qi suddenly licked his lips, thinking of the "homework" he had stayed up all night before, his face was flushed, he gritted his teeth, and suddenly bent down and buried his head Aiming at the big bag, he pulled down the trouser chain with his teeth...

    Atobubuchi's face flickered under the dim light, he panted and stared straight ahead, his left hand held the steering wheel, and his right hand gently touched the hard-working car in front of him. Youthful black hair.

    Stopping at the side of a hidden path, Atobuyuan quickly unfastened his seat belt and threw Jiang Qi, who was already disheveled, his eyes looked straight at the young man in front of him, "Don't regret it."

    Jiang Qi: "...No." So come on, come hurt each other!

    The seat was put down, both sides took off their clothes, Atobuyuan looked at the youth below in surprise, Jiang Qi tilted his head, his eyelashes trembled slightly, and couldn't help covering the vulnerable place with his hand: "...Don't look." Atobuyuan's heart tightened

    slightly , kissed his eyelids: "Don't be afraid, I like everything about you."

    Jiang Qi: "... ah"

    The car started to shake, and from time to time there was a blushing and heartbeating sound from inside, and the crooked moon outside the window was shy Hide in the dark clouds.


    In the center of Ruoda's white bed lay a sleeping black-haired young man. Although the young man had a delicate face, he seemed haggard as if he had just experienced a war not long ago.

    Didn't he go through one, no, several battles!

    Jiang Qi opened his hazy eyes, and just moved a little, he felt a stabbing pain in the lower part, and there was also a little pain in the inner thigh and chest.

    Fuck, he must be useless.

    Fortunately, although it was a bit painful and uncomfortable, it was refreshing enough. It should be Atobebuchi who cleaned it up for him.

    Jiang Qi was so shy (#/.\#)

    lying on the big bed, not daring to move, staring at the ceiling with a blushing face after being eaten upright and wiped clean.

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