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    Faced with such blushing and heart-pounding words, Jiang Qi, as a veteran driver, was very calm, "I can teach you to play another game, do you want to try it?

    " When will I leave it and go back to the Demon Realm, or I just happen to be interested in other humans, and I just take advantage of this opportunity to drag the Demon King to bed, conceive a child earlier, and complete his mission earlier.

    The abacus in Jiang Qi's heart was pounding.

    "Another kind?" The Demon King was taken aback for a moment, and then his face raised a smile that could be called "obscene". "Is that the same?"


    "Then I won't do it."

    Jiang Qi: "..."

    The devil persisted for less than a minute before compromising: "Okay, okay, don't look at me with that look, listen Isn’t yours okay?”

    Jiang Qi laughed, saw ice cream on the road, and bought one for the devil.

    Back home, the old principal may have something in the school and he hasn't come back yet. Jiang Qi took a dawdly glance at the big devil who was sitting on the sofa, crossing his legs, eating ice cream and watching mother-in-law and daughter-in-law dramas. On the way, he might have heard Jiang Qi say that it was not the same game as last time, so he didn't look forward to it at all.

    Patted the slightly red cheeks with both hands, calm down Jiang Qi, this is not the first time to seduce others, don't be nervous.

    "Will you take a bath first or should I take a bath first?"

    "Take a bath? No." The Great Demon King immediately showed a disgusted look. He hates taking a bath the most. The wet water sticking to his skin is extremely uncomfortable. Besides, he has magical powers and can keep his body clean at any time.

    Jiang Qi suddenly thought of something, and stared at the big devil with sharp eyes. He remembered, as if the Great Demon King came to the human world, he almost, no, not almost! But I have never seen Lord Demon King taking a bath! ! !

    Jiang Qi, who was a little bit obsessed with cleanliness, took a deep breath, stepped forward, grabbed the back collar of the big demon king, and dragged him away.

    "Hey, hey, hey! Human, what are you doing!"

    "I'll give you a bath!"

    "My lord... I won't go! Let me go! I still want to eat ice cream!"

    Jiang Qi glanced at the ice cream he still had. , opened his mouth and suddenly bit the rest into his mouth.

    Demon King: "Σ(?д?;)"

    The man looked at the ice cream that was gone from his hand, then looked up at Jiang Qi who was eating the ice cream, then looked down at his hand... then at Jiang Qi... This was repeated several times.


    Jiang Qi: Did I bully him too much?

    Just when Jiang Qi was introspecting himself, the back of his head was pinned down, and then a warm, well-defined handsome cheek was pasted on his lips, and a tongue forcefully pried open his mouth, non-stop Sweeping in the mouth, it melted long ago, and the cold ice cream became hot.

    Jiang Qi's eyelashes trembled, and in the next second, he turned back to the customer, and his tongue hooked the big tongue in his mouth patrolling the territory, not to be outdone. He wanted to imitate the other party's way and hold the back of his head, but he was not as tall as the other party, so he could only reluctantly He hugged the Demon King's waist.

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