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    "Atobe? Atobe?"

    Shinobu shouted several times, but Keigo Atobe didn't respond. I couldn't help but feel strange that Atobe, who has always been known for his gorgeousness, would allow himself to be distracted? ?

    Ninja reached out and waved in front of his eyes.

    Atobe Keigo frowned: "What are you doing?"

    Shinozu rolled his eyes: "It should be Mr. Atobe, what happened to you, I have been calling you for a long time, are you worried about Huadi's birthday tomorrow?" "

    No..." Atobe Keigo He rubbed his temples with a headache, "My parents will go home tomorrow."

    "Your parents who travel around?" Yushi Ninzu was surprised. Since he met Atobe, he only heard that his parents are very loving and like to travel. . I haven't heard about the others, and the members have never seen uncles and aunts when they went to Atobe's house to play. Atobe never explained it. He thought Atobe was complaining about his parents leaving him alone at home, but looking at Atobe's appearance at this time, it seemed that it was not what he thought?

    Junwu Jingwu: "... um."

    Although he was calm on the surface, he did not know that he had grabbed his hair anxiously, ah ah ah ah, what to do if his teammate returned to his mother! Mom will definitely show off the photos of him in women's clothing when he was a child! ! !

    Or... tomorrow's birthday will be cancelled, right? No, no, no, he decided to give Huadi a birthday surprise! He won't do something so unglamorous as breaking his promise! !

    He can only pray that his mother misses the flight tomorrow...

    He took a sip of red wine irritably, tsk, it's better not to miss the flight.

    Obviously he sent the invitation letter by himself...

    The next day.

    Invited by Keigo Atobe, everyone from the tennis clubs of each school came to the luxurious villa together.

    Atobe saw everyone in Seigaku at a glance, more precisely, Tezuka Kunimitsu, the leader of Aigaku.

    "Hmm, Tezuka, long time no see, is there a chance?" Atobe stretched out his hand full of fighting spirit.

    Tezuka also stretched out his hand to shake it back, and said seriously: "Yes."

    Momoshiro from behind looked around while the minister was chatting, couldn't help but marvel, and whispered in Echizen Ryoma's ear, saying: "This is simply The palace, it’s too big.”

    Keigo Atobe: “It’s just an ordinary villa.”

    Takeshi Momoshiro: “!”

    As if he was caught saying bad things about the other party, Takeshi Momoshiro was very embarrassed.

    Haitang: "Hiss...an idiot."

    "Smelly snake, who are you calling an idiot!" Takeshi Momoshiro yelled angrily.

    "Hiss, of course it's you!"

    "Smelly snake, you want to die!"


    "These two started again..." The others looked away speechlessly, not surprised by the situation.

    Why does this scene feel so familiar...

    Oh yes.

    The corners of Keigo Atobe’s mouth twitched, and he looked at the scene in front of him speechlessly, as if he had seen the days when he was arguing with his father when he was a child...

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