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    The next day, Xiba arrives at Jiang Qi's house early in the morning.

    Jiang Qi was still wearing pajamas at this time, seeing his radiant appearance, he blinked and teased, "Come here so early to eat and drink, are you ready for the meal?"

    Xi Ba was taken aback, lowered his head to think about the meaning, and suddenly realized after a while .

    It turns out that this is what the Internet says about handing over your salary to your wife! !

    The man who didn't know what was going on in his head felt sweet, and took out the card on his body and handed it to Jiang Qi. "Handed in. *罒v罒*"

    Jiang Qi: "Pfft, you're so cute, I'm joking, don't take it seriously." Cute...

    It's not that he's cute...

    Shiba Ergen is hot, rough and handsome Two little red flowers floated on his face, and he said nicely: "I am alone at home and I don't know how to cook, so I may come to bother you often in the future. This is my living expenses in the future." Jiang Qi raised his eyebrows slightly, looking

    at Looking at the man's honest appearance, he turned out to be a man, if he didn't know the character of the other party in advance, he would definitely be deceived by his appearance.

    However, his acting skills are not bad.

    Jiang Qi hesitated for a moment, as if he also thought that he was not rich enough, so he took the card. "That's good, you just gave it to me like this, don't blame me if the card is maxed out." He laughed.

    Xiba said seriously, "It won't explode."

    Although he didn't know how much his card balance was, he never used his pocket money and the money for completing missions since he was a child, except for the necessary places. So his card should not be maxed out so easily...

    The more the man thinks about it, the less confident he becomes, and his complexion becomes darker and darker.

    The corners of Jiang Qi's mouth curled up: "Smile more, you will grow old quickly with a stern face, and with a dark face, people who don't know will think that I have done something to you." Xi Ba: "..." Smiling with



    Looking at the smile that could scare a child to tears, Jiang Qi helplessly raised his forehead: "You better stop laughing."

    Xiba: Wronged.

    After breakfast, Xiba followed the guideline he found on the Internet yesterday, and obediently put on an apron to wash the dishes. The tall and mighty man wore a blue apron with a cute puppy pattern on it. Clearing the table, like a little daughter-in-law. Jiang Qi was amused by the picture of himself replenishing his brain, and his stomach hurts from laughing.

    Seeing him clutching his belly, Shiba thought something was wrong with him, so he ran over to rub his stomach in a panic, "What's the matter?"

    Jiang Qi said haha: "Probably because I ate a little too much just now, and my stomach is a little bit. Rising." Hearing

    this, Shiba used his thoughts to soothe his stomach. "Is it much more comfortable?"

    Jiang Qi smiled and said nothing, his index finger raised a strand of silver hair on his shoulder, and said in a slow voice, "Yeah."

    Xiba fiddled with it for a while before returning to the kitchen. Jiang Qi sat on the sofa with his chin propped up, watching the stumbling backs in the kitchen for a while.

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