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    Wearing women's clothing does not have to be a skirt. In fact, girls wear neutral pants most, but considering that they are going to call Akashi's parents, so they have to dress more formally, wearing flat shoes with orange flower.

      The dignified and elegant long skirt made Akashi Seishomi's eyes shine when he wore it. I looked him up and down for a while, and there was nothing disharmonious except that his chest was a little smaller.

    "Chenchen, do I look good? ^O^/"

    Although he couldn't be more satisfied in his heart, Akashi Zhengchen was reluctant on the surface, with a look of resignation: "It's okay."

    Jiang Qi said: "I just knew You like it~"

    Akashi Masaomi: "..." When did I say that! !

    After molesting the CEO for a while, Jiang Qi stopped in moderation and obediently sat on a chair to put on makeup. But this made the make-up artist difficult.

     The powder was either too bright or too dark. It would be better to look good without makeup. In the end, Jiang Qi only put on pink lipstick at the suggestion of Akashi Seishomi. Makes lips appear brighter.

    Jiang Qi glanced at them secretly, licked his lips when they weren't paying attention, and aftertaste, um, it's fruity.

    The make-up artist who turned his head: "It's strange, the one with lipstick on it, why is it gone?"

    Jiang Qi smiled and threw the pot to someone: "It's Chen Chen who just ate it."

    Eat... ate it ...

     The picture of the CEO forcefully holding down the young man's stamina and eating his mouth made the make-up artist girl blush suspiciously.

    #President mighty!

    The might president: "..."

    Next, I just need to do my hair.

     The makeup artist slightly toused Jiang Qi's soft, ear-level black hair. The fluffy bangs blocked the white forehead, making it look More delicate and lovely.

    Jiang Qi asked, "Are you ready?"

    The makeup artist hurriedly said: "O- okay."

    And she burst into tears in her heart, if everyone's background is like that of the president and Jiang Qi, probably all of them should be unemployed.


    in the car.

    Jiang Qi: "Wait, stop by the side of the road, I'm going to buy something."

    Akashi Masaomi looked straight ahead and turned a deaf ear: "I've already arranged it, you can just pick it up later and pretend that you bought it yourself It's gone."

    Jiang Qi was not happy.

    Masayoshi Akashi cast a glance at him, "If I go out to buy things, I'll buy them?"

    Seeing that Jiang Qi was still unconvinced, he continued: "There are too many people in the store, do you dare to choose gifts by yourself? You can promise not to run away putting an ostrich behind my back?"

    Jiang Qi stopped talking: "..."

    Masayoshi Akashi hooked the corner of his mouth into a smile. Xiao Mian, let me find your weakness.

    Jiang Qi was a little surprised when he arrived at the home of Akashi Seiyuki's parents. He thought that Akashi Masaomi was the president and his family was so rich.

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