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    Although Jiang Qi decided to draw the little yellow manga Zhu Ban, but there was a problem before him.

    That's him, to be precise, it should be the identity background of the original body, who doesn't know what Uchiha Madara looks like. Senju Hashima has his head on Hokage Cliff, so it is not surprising to draw Hashirama. If you draw Uchiha Madara, who has never been seen before... Although there is a stone statue of Uchiha Madara in the Valley of the End, but the

    original How could he have been to the Valley of the End if he was an otaku.

    Once the character is drawn, it will collapse.

    So Jiang Qi had no choice but to push Xiao Huang Man back.

    If he can't draw Xiaohuangman for a while, why can't he write Xiaohuangwen? ! ! When he publishes the article and establishes his reputation, Uchiha Madara will find him sooner or later, and then he can draw Xiao Huang Man smoothly.

    Just do what you say, there is no such "high-tech" thing as a computer in Naruto World, so Jiang Qi can only write by hand.

    【Red lips wandered around Hashirama temptingly. Hashirama couldn't stand the extremely charming scene in front of him. His eyes turned red instantly. He stroked the firm and soft body under him, and smiled charmingly: "Madara, feel me."

    " Okay..." With a smile on the corner of Madara's mouth, he endured the violent storm of his lover, and the love in his eyes was astonishing: "Hashirama... I love you..."]

    Jiang Qi seemed to have awakened something strange, With a serious expression, the speed of writing in his hands is getting faster and faster. If you only look at Jiang Qi's solemn and solemn appearance, you would never think that what he is writing at this time is Xiao Huangwen! ! !


    Five days

    later , he came to Naruto World for five days, and Jiang Qi never left the house for a single step. He locked himself at home for five whole days to "create"!

    On this day, he finally finished writing the 200,000-word Xiao Huangwen.

    Jiang Qi didn't know how to submit novels in Naruto World, not only was it not mentioned in the original book, but also not in the original materials. And even the Intimate Paradise that Kakashi often holds in his hands has not yet appeared. Now in the world of Naruto, the literature department is almost a clean stream.

    ↑ Not soon. A mudslide came.

    Without thinking about how to publish the book, Jiang Qi sat and thought for a while, his eyes suddenly lit up, he judged the hundreds of papers he wrote together, and then took out another piece of paper to use as the cover for the paper he had judged.

    Use brush calligraphy to write beautiful and serious fonts and titles.

    "Between Spots and Pillars" - written by the surging river.

    So a simple book came out.

    Jiang Qi opened the novel with a smile and read it for himself. After confirming that the content was all right (are you sure??), he hugged the book in his arms and went out happily.

    As his first book, he must first show it to his future husband.


    Hatake Sakumo had just returned to the village after completing the task, and before he handed over the task and went home, a young man stopped him on the way.

    The young man has black medium-haired hair that reaches his shoulders. It is black and shiny, but it looks a bit messy because the owner has not taken care of it carefully. The hair in front of the forehead blocks most of the young man's face, but through the good-looking mouth and upright exposed From the upturned nose and the delicate and small chin, it can be seen that the person in front of him definitely looks good.

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