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    The clean white paper was soaked by the ink that was suddenly overturned, and the thick black ink was like the mood of the host.

    "What!? Married? Are you sure what you said is true?!" Wanyan Honglie looked gloomyly at the people kneeling on the ground.

    The young man shivered, "Everything my subordinate said is true, it is indeed the wedding of the owner of the White Camel Villa..." "

    Crack—Ouyang Jin—how dare you—" the man clenched his teeth, he thought Ouyang Even if Jin doesn't like him, he can't forget his ex-boyfriend, right? Unexpectedly, in just five years, not only did he completely forget him, but he even wanted to get married!

    "Call 10,000 cavalry to the White Camel Villa!"

    "My lord, you must not, the White Camel Villa is also known as the Valley of Poisonous Snakes, and there are countless poisons, and the martial arts of the owner of the White Camel Villa are unfathomable. I'm afraid there will be no return!" Someone persuaded

    Wanyan Honglie and sneered: "Ten thousand is not enough? Then fifty thousand!"


    "Oh, stupid!"

    Heh, once he was sensible, he regretted it for five years , So what if you are stupid once?


     Red 囍 characters plastered all over the windows and gates, red curtains and red quilts, and a bride with a phoenix crown and Xiapei sitting in front of the bronze mirror.

    "Bump—" There was a slight sound at the window, and Jiang Qi under the red hijab turned his head, only a pair of white shoes under the red hijab could be seen, and then, the hijab was lifted, revealing a handsome and handsome man with three-dimensional features His face was enlarged, and then he felt his lips were covered with warmth.   

     Jiang Qi was still angry, and pinched his waist: "Didn't it mean that the couple can't meet before they get married! We're getting married tomorrow, why are you running here?" Ouyang Feng snorted, hugged him and said, "I want  to You."    

    Jiang Qi blushed, but he was still not willing to throw him out.

    Jiang Qi stopped talking, Ouyang Feng smiled helplessly: "Are you still angry?"

    Jiang Qi turned his head: "Hmph, I've never been angry with liars."

    Ouyang Feng held his face and put it on his pouted mouth. They kissed each other, "Little liar, you can hang a bottle of oil on your mouth, and you still say you're not angry."

    Jiang Qi said angrily: "I clearly said that I don't wear bridal dresses!"

    Ouyang Feng: "Could it be me?"

    Jiang Qi A tall and burly Ouyang Feng smiling at him in a bridal gown appeared in his mind... Oh my god, those hot eyes. (/▽\)

    "...Can both of you wear the groom's clothes..."

    Ouyang Feng: "Do you really want to wear it?"

    "Ah..." Actually, I don't think so.

    "I sent someone to find a tailor at the foot of the mountain, and let them make it overnight. It's a pity for your clothes..." Ouyang Feng said with a sigh. The groom's suit on him and Jiang Qi's are all made by Jiang Qi himself. The patterns on the clothes are dragon and phoenix, Jiang Qi has been embroidering them for a long time, and he likes them very much. I've been expecting them to put it on, and then

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