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    Jiang Qi closed his eyes, calmed down the dizziness in his head, and said with a smile: "Life is not easy, help if you can. And it's not bad for me." The butler looked up at his slightly pale face

    . With a worried face, he said: "Master's complexion is not good. Could it be that he didn't rest well last night?"

    After tossing around in the middle of the night, can you rest? !

    "...I'm fine, you go down."

    The master ordered like this, no matter how worried the housekeeper was, he couldn't say anything. He bent over and went down.

    Jiang Qi shook his body abruptly, supported the table beside him, sat down next to each other, squeezed his brows, felt a little headache, and the dizziness and nausea that had started to calm down came back again.

    Before he could rest for a while, the butler who had been out for a while hurriedly rushed in, "Master is not good, master is not good!" The

    hair and robes that were usually neatly tidied became a little bit of panic because of the master's panic. Messy, panicked and apprehensive.

    With a bursting headache, Jiang Qi frowned impatiently, and the corners of his lips that usually had a three-point smile were also irritated, "What's the matter? Didn't you arrange for the porridge?" The housekeeper calmed down his excitement

    , Handing the note in front of Jiang Qi, he said, "Master, look at this." The

    light blue note exuded the fragrance of tulips. There are two lines of small characters on it, the handwriting looks straight and strong, and you can tell that it is from an expert at a glance. There is no name on the letter, and only a few sentences in classical Chinese are written. A simple translation is, you are greedy for a picture of an old man Calligraphy and painting, the calligraphy and painting are valuable, but they were taken by the wicked, so when it is ugly tonight, he will step on the moon to get it.

    Jiang Qi's headache, which was already painful, became even more painful. "Who is this?"

    The housekeeper replied nervously, "It's rumored in the Jianghu that it's Chu Liuxiang, the commander-in-chief of the bandit."

    "How did you provoke him?" Jiang Qi casually put the letter on the table.

    Yes, Jiang Qi has heard of Chu Liuxiang a long time ago. After all, the other party is quite famous in the arena. It is impossible for him not to have heard of it when he was doing business. Although this world is Lu Xiaofeng's world, Chu Liuxiang and Lu Xiaofeng These two worlds originally belonged to the same, but the timeline is different. Lu Xiaofeng still doesn't know that he is waiting for precipitation in that woman's stomach, so Chu Liuxiang is the champion, and Jiang Qi also mixed in his love story. Feet, earning a fortune.

    They don't violate the waters of the river, and Jiang Qi didn't do business that hurt the sky, so Chu Liuxiang didn't pay attention to his property, but why did he suddenly send a letter this time saying that he would come to pick up things?

    The butler wanted to cry, "Master and slave swear, I really didn't do anything outrageous!" "

    Where are the others down there?"

    The steward said, "The old slave has already been investigated. There should be a result soon. "If someone really has unclean hands and feet under his hands, there will be no place to put his old face! ! He also said that he was too embarrassed to sign up for the best housekeeper ranking list!

    The waiting time was undoubtedly the most difficult. The butler kept pacing back and forth in the hall. Jiang Qi looked tired and dizzy, so he had to prop his forehead with one hand and fall asleep.   

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